Overrated, the game.
*Edit: SH2 fans overhyped this and now its lost the spunk.

I know the exact day I beat this fucking game cause I had a 10-years-long beef with never being able to finish this game for some reason.

Sagat has done irrepairable damage to my taste in men.

I will never fucking forget one of the basketball players having the same face of my brother's friend LMAO.

The camp, the theatrics, the REVAMPED SOUNDTRACK. This game is nearly perfect, I won't take criticism.

Forever haunted by this fucking game and the ending thank you goodnight.

I sure would fucking love to understand what this game is but I have a feeling that even an English Patch may not help me here.

I had a terrible stomachache when I got this game for my birthday and it didn't heal it, but I had SO MUCH FUN OTHERWISE.

Got so fucking bored, this isn't for me.

It's really primitive, which isn't bad in itself. It just isn't fun. But it's the first ever Halloween game, so I guess it's interesting.

When I tell you this game STARTED my love for women in ponytails--.

She's not the best of Tomb Raiders but the variety of stages kept me so entertained. I loved this format a lot.

This one has all the kinks ironed out and it's so much fun to play. The diverse styles, characters and the friendly UI really make it so I can drag my friends in and play with me.

I will never forget the experience of this entire game. I will NEVER stop recommending this damn game, especially if you have friends to play with.