I suck at this game, but by GOD does this game make me feel comfortable!! It's such a nest, shut up!!

Julia Chang, Julia Chang, Julia Chang, Julia Chang.

Insanely fun game. I was locked away from it for a long time but once I got the controller to play it, it was so much more worth it.

The low-rent Street Fighter 2. AND YOU KNOW WHAT?! I like it. Fuck off <3

The sheer amount of hours I spent on this could have been spent in College.

Everyone has going crazy insane with Megaman X and I was just in this world losing it. Megaman Legends you ARE a legend.

Someone got high in the programming office when they said "I think we don't have enough enemies in all stages."

And yet, the soundtrack, the sound effects, the everything is stunning to me. She's hard to play, but she's a fond memory me and my family have.

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A lot of people don't like this one and prefer the Original PC Sims 2 and I understand...


I swear to god, my kryptonite. My hyperfixation sweetheart. My only talent in this world.

THIS version. This is the game equivalent of Cocaine and I am ADDICTED TO IT, shamelessly.

The fucking insanity that is this game will continue to keep me bitchless buT I LOVE IT.

I stopped playing after they fucking take away the BEST characters in the whole roster.

I enjoyed playing as Ada thoroughly, this being the first time we ever got to play her and know more of her. Absolute delight.

Here to be the 1,000th review.

Anyways, this game was not my favorite BUT I did enjoy plenty of it.

I am not a huge fan of JRPGs in general, but this one just HITS. It is one of my favorite games to go back to -- despite its relentless nature.