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I'm late to the party but this is a fantastic roguelike. My problem with the genre is that most games usually don't have any way to entice you to keep playing unless you're the type of person to hunt achievements or every unlockable, but Hades' characters are compelling enough that you'll keep playing the game just for their interactions. The gameplay is tight as hell (lmao) too with tons of different ways to customize your experience each time. Weapon aspects and Daedalus hammers in particular can make it so different runs with the same weapons all feel radically different. If there is one area where I think the game can improve, it's in its enemy variety. I feel like I could see every enemy type in the game in a single run (minus mini-bosses). But that's just a minor nitpick, the game manages to be spectacular in spite of minor gripes.

This game is campy as hell. The plot is absurd but in a fun way and the new cast of characters grow on you quickly. Mine is unintentionally hilarious and I really enjoy him as a character. The only annoying thing about this game is that it moves kind of slowly. Good for its age, but don't set your expectations too high.