The best writing in any video game, full stop, not close, no exceptions. As a writer, I care about that immensely. As a leftist, this game feels like coming home to a friendly family thanksgiving with relatives who know exactly how to jab at you. I know some will bounce off its prose, but there are paragraphs from this game that I will never forget.

An early rouge-lite, not one of my favorites, though you can't deny the depth of content that's in this, which is probably its biggest bright point for me.

I pretty much agree with the most common opinion: Second half of the game (post Anor Londo) is kinda mid-to-bad, but despite this it still manages to be an unreserved GOAT.

I want to like this way more than I actually do. I love the things it's doing in terms of its story and the meaning behind its world. I love art for the sake of destroying the viewer's sanity, art that is abrasive. But for whatever reason, I just can't click and stick with this one no matter how many times I try.

Honestly I think I might just not like puzzle games :'(

I mean what more is there to say? A huge part of my gamer adolescence, a special place in my heart, but perhaps replaced by more modern shooters that built upon its formula.

I played this shooter as a kid. It was pretty alright I think.

This is my rating for MTG as a whole: Perhaps the best designed game ever put to print. Sure. they've made missteps in recent years, but I have never had an experience quite like getting really high rank drafting on Arena, or like 3 hour EDH games with my friends. The breadth of possibility that 30 years of cards provide is unparalleled.

A very solid fantasy grand strategy/tactics hybrid. Is perhaps a little repetitive, with a little less variations between playthroughs than I would need to be engaged long term. Could revisit though after some more updates drop and see myself raising this rating.

This is the only MOBA I've put significant time into. While there's a great game here, the problems inherent to the genre make playing even with long-time friends an exercise in no small amount of suffering for a new player who has not put in thousands of hours into LoL. Perhaps I just need to put in the time to get good, but still feeling that way after more than 100 hours takes the joy out of the pursuit of self-improvement.

This game has been a part of my life for almost half of it. It comes and goes, modded or unmodded, but it is what it is. I cannot in good and honest conscience rate it any less than perfect.

This game is actually just genuinely bad. From the exploitative shit the devs have done to their player base to the baffling design decisions that basically necessitate cheating or modding the game to make it playable, the game is just terrible. Save yourself the trouble and go play almost any other survival game.

My first Armored Core game. I, like many, bought it off of FromSoft's legendary reputation over the last decade. I fell in love with it. Despite a wonky difficulty curve and some severely game breaking balancing issues on launch, I managed to find the fun and embrace the game's unique, lightning fast combat system.

A big step up from V. I think in particular the ways in which VI makes terrain and your environment matter for min/maxing is incredibly satisfying for the gameplay loop. Every major expansion has been a huge value add, and the civilizations are far more differentiated than they were in V. The perfect gateway into the genre, but other, deeper games inevitably reveal its shortcomings in hindsight, particularly in terms of the lack of RP options.

I think that, while I enjoyed it immensely as a child, there are shortcomings today that hold it back for the modern gamer.