Man oh man. Man oh man oh man. I don't think I would have rated this a perfect score without playing DS1 first and I'm very glad I did. An absolutely beautiful second souls like experience.

I still have a lot more of this game to see and a lot more of its mindset to internalize, but it is legendary for a reason, and finally assessable to those who were intimidated by the ASCII before. It's deceptively simple to start playing, but to actually get what's special out of it, you need to learn to find the story in it's unrelentingly comprehensive simulation.

I don't know, something about this just didn't click for me the way DOOM 2016 did. I owe it another shot probably.

I've only played act 1 and only heavily modded with friends forcing me to skip all the story, but even then the sheer quality of this game is undeniable.

I'll fully concede that this score might be on me. I played this game kinda briskly/hyper efficiently, without really pushing to express myself, which does take no small amount of wind out of the game's sail. That said, I can only rate my own experience, which was off an aesthetically interesting stealth game with disappointingly shallow gameplay.

I really ought to go back to this after all the updates its gotten. I must imagine those would at least earn it another half star for me as my biggest issue with the game back when I played the most (sometime in year 1 or early year 2) was that it lacked content variety.

I pretty much agree with the most common opinion: Second half of the game (post Anor Londo) is kinda mid-to-bad, but despite this it still manages to be an unreserved GOAT.

My opinion as of playing it on launch, have not gone back for 2.0/Phantom Liberty yet.

I REALLY should like this, considering how much of an SCP Foundation fan I am, but I fell off it for whatever reason. I owe it another shot I think.

Played this extensively as a kid. Was plenty compelling then, from my memory of it.

A top-of-the-line rouge-like with plenty of modernizing touches to make it welcoming to new players to the genre (like I was when I first played it!). I still suck at it and have never gotten passed the jungle, but I revisit it regularly and one day will swallow my pride and just play it in Roleplay mode to experience it as the fantastic, unique RPG that it also is. Can't wait for 1.0!

A fantastic Pokémon-like with plenty of original ideas and a larger focus on exploration than even S/V. Great mon designs, great music, engaging battle system and particularly interesting spin on how moves work. Will go back to it as soon as I convince a friend to go back with me.

Probably my favorite and most played COD. Zombies at its purest, one of the last great WWII FPS campaigns of the era with a darker tone than was typical for the time or for the series. Not sure if there's anything there for revisiting but it deserves more recognition among the classic CODs than it gets.

A very specific sorta-collection game. A good time while on a substance but also too cerebral to be the perfect high game that I think it ought to be. Controls feel kinda jank too. Might go back and finish it some day.

Honestly I fell asleep half way through playing this around launch and have never felt the need to go back.