The story takes a while, but it gets there, trust me. The combat has been fucked up on the pc port, so I suggest finding mods to fix the quickstep and guarding. Besides that, it's a fucking great and fun game, I just can't give it more due to the port flaws.

A very fun ride, but sadly the story was already 11 years old by this point and it shows at times. The writers corrected the biggest moot point however, so it's story still holds up. The combat is an improvement over 0's.

it's fucking great ... nothing new here but only the ending of mass effect 3 soured my appreciation, there were also the reused interiors of mass effect 1, and some times where the clunky controls made me get mad a bit lol

I would call it a masterpiece, but let's be real it's not, we're very close though. The best iteration of combat for all the characters involved, a story that keeps you on your toes with the only game that has a great mastermind in this series, crazy good OST, stupid and fun side stories and minigames galore

Teaser ending for a game that will never come, but otherwise this thing is fucking phenomenal on all sides

Just an overall banger, great gateway into the series, the combat is satisfying and the story is gripping, don't forget the awesome side content

arfur morgan ... loved this guy, and the story and everything ... I usually don't mind slow games but I thought this one was a bit too slow sadly, but if it's your thing go nuts

the story dropped the ball a bit at the end but the gameplay is absolutely phenomenal

A great game, but one of the weaker stories of the series by far, and the new engine isn't the best in this entry. Great, but not in comparison to other yakuza games.

Great game, compelling characters, just getting held back by the bullshit story a bit. The combat is the best for this engine.

A lot of people call this game a diamond in the rough, and they would be right
The gameplay is very clunky at first but once you get the hang of it you can toy with your enemies however your prefer to
The story has some rare blunders and sometimes reputation is hard to obtain in the way you want to obtain it, but otherwise the choices really do matter for once
Think of it like Mass Effect but if it was made by the team of Fallout New Vegas (because it was) and had an espionage theme instead
There can be a few bugs but nothing ever really game breaking really
Overall huge recommend