A very good metroidvania. It's not as good as Hollow Knight, but I think this will serve as a fine entry to the genre.

This game was my entry to the daughter raising genre. While I was enarmored with it at the very beginning, exposure to other titles in the genre has refined my taste and forced me to take a more critical view of the game. My criticism of this title is how little freedom you have as a player. That is not to mention the barebone interactions with NPC characters, as well as how little replaybility the game has. Pick this game up on a sale only.

My introductory title to the historical strategy genre, this game will always have a special place in my heart. The experience was further augmented if you play with mods. Just remember that the modding community for this game is rather inactive, since it's no longer the most recent installment. That being said, I still highly prefer this game to its successor due to its realistic art style.

An incredible horror game, with a poignant story and immaculate worldbuilding. The game designer took every care to ensure that the horror quality can't be overlooked, with a banger soundtrack and a creepy atmosphere that grew on you the deeper you get into the game. Would recommend.

THE daughter-raising game for me. This game has a lot of replaybility that Long live the queen may have lacked. This is thanks to a bunch of new and interesting mechanics that was introduced, including: diverse career path, dungeon crawling, horse-racing, activities to increase your stats, romance endings with partner(s) etc. I cannot in good conscience give this a perfect score however, due to the dogshit English translation.

Introductory title to the Metroidvania genre, one of the games that opened my eyes to the beauty of PC gaming. This game will always have a special place in my heart.

Creme de la creme of the zombie survival genre. Keep in mind that this game, with all of its intricate customization options, are made by a team of indie devs. It's not my cup of tea, though, which is why I refrain from giving this game a perfect score.

My first JRPG title from a big publisher. The game is extremely fun to play, in spite of the dated graphics. Soundtrack doesn't quite compare to P5, but it's still great nonetheless. 4/5

THE deckbuilding game, IMO. This game taught me the value of trade-offs, changing my perception on the world while being a fantastic game to play. A classic.

A good game on its own, but the modding community took it to god-tier. At this stage, it's more of a community game than a Paradox game, seeing how dedicated modders keep polishing the lacklustre DLCs that Paradox released all the while adding new lore & mechanics to the game.

The game to play if you want to punish yourself. All jokes aside, the devs took meticulous care with this title, with a distinctive old-school art style, a banger soundtrack and co-op mode. While singleplayer is fine, try to find a friend to play with. You won't regret it.

The story did get better, but I will never forget the first 20 hours as long as I live.

A title that aged like milk for me. Story's average at best, and the worst thing is that Steam version doesn't have any H-scenes, with no fan translation in sight. Have I also mentioned how off-putting and tropey the characters sounded like?

The only FIFA title I've played, since it's the only thing my potato laptop can run. 8 years after launch, career mode is the only thing left. I enjoy the game for what it's worth, but at the same time it's boring. Finding resources for this game is not easy, and I don't want to scrape to the bottom of youtube just to get good at an old installment of a franchise that releases game on an annual basis. 5/10

Cuphead is punishing, but this game is just sadistic. To those enjoying this game, I salute you. You earn my highest respect.