Definitely the best Metroid game I played, and it's only a 7/10 for me.

Take this as meaning it's a 10/10 for people who are interested in Metroidvanias.

Just let me fix that poor guy's boat you cowards!

I'm like 50/50 on the hype for this game being genuine and the hype being a meme.

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Today I will beat the gameshow to save my friend Ben and celebrate by pressing E. I'm sure nothing bad will happen...

A zombie got a girlfriend before I did, and I'm proud of him. A fun little take on the zombie genre, about you trying to woo a human girl.

This game slaps way more than it has any right to be, being a game on the apple store. So glad I was able to pick this up for free thanks to the free app of the day thing.

Definitely a product of its time with the game pushing you to spend as little money as possible by helping you get sales on 4DS baseball games.

Definitely, a game that I would have lost my shit over if I was a kid.

The bananas have been slamma'd down my throat...

Wait that came out wrong.

Definitely a fun platformer and aged better than other games of its era, but seeing so many people saying this is one of the best games of all time has me pulling out the dreaded "o" word.

More like Mario Golf: Super RUSHED!


Here comes Niko! Here comes Niko! Right down Niko lane!

I was gonna just say it was a 7 outta 10 but than Week 7 happened and became the best week.

YOOOO I'M BALLIN'! And ballin'. And ball- yeah, it gets old a bit too fast.

This is a certified childhood classic.