I uninstalled this game four times before I decided to just finish it. There isn't much to this game besides driving back and forth between jobs, and the driving mechanics are too clunky. The main story also was boring. Really wanted to like this, but idk. :(

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The story is excellent, but constantly following people around on horses becomes tedious. Everything with the Native Americans was less interesting than the earlier tasks. However, the side missions exploring Arthur's perspective of his honor and the impacts he has made on other's lives kept me interested in the game. Also, the world lacks some intrigue. Many features in the game went unused for me because I never felt the need or desire to use them. For example, after the first snow part, I went back into the mountains only once to kill someone. Why would I need to invest in warmer clothes? In no way am I saying the world created isn't beautiful. However, at times, the beauty experienced from a distance is as good, or sometimes better than seeing what awaits there.
I found the Mary storyline to be the most heartbreaking. After the last meeting in town, she said she would write to Arthur, and I was waiting for the letter. That was one of the only times Arthur seemed happy, and I wanted it to work so badly, so when her last letter arrived, it was devastating.
My biggest issue with the story was how quickly the ending transitioned to the epilogue. The conclusion would carry more impact if the credits played then, allowing players to live in that moment. Instead, the epilogue starts, and the focus instantly shifts to a different story. At first, the abrupt shift soured me on the epilogue. As the story developed, however, my feelings toward it did turn around. Also, it would have been nice to have a choice to concede to Abigail at the end because I would have. Although, with the already developed story from the first game and John's character, that choice probably wouldn't have made much sense canonically.

This didn't teach me how to make friends.

This is better than the first. With more involved puzzles, cool world design, and a nice story, it works better as a well-rounded game. However, at times it feels like playing ispy instead of puzzles, which can be frustrating if it isn't easy to find. Co-op is also a complete separate experience, so that's another plus.

short, funny, and puzzles. It's portal

It's cool that it expands the story, but it doesn't add much to the experience. Also the limited UI makes it way too difficult to find all the endings.

It's interesting seeing the perspective of someone suffering from anxiety this severe.

The acting performances in this game are so genuine. Every character develops in front of the player as they decide if they will survive or fight back. Gameplay is also a highlight. Even as the program fell apart, it sucked me in to keep working to raise the audience meter. Also, some of the parody songs are actually good. As long as Sam and I are happy, I'm fine.

For me, the characters carry this game. Each time the game introduces a character, they have a unique personality. No matter how little they appear in the game, every character leaves an impression on the player. Also, the dialogue is funny enough that I didn't want to miss any of it. Despite all those things, at times the game feels too easy. An enemy would appear with a cutscene, then be dead five seconds later. Overall, the story, characters, and design are all top-tier. However, the enemies' abilities mostly underperformed how cool they looked.

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Also never personally played this, but I am definitely familiar with it. After spending the entire first game with Joel, Ellie's journey is so powerful. The player feels in one with how Ellie is feeling. When the shift to Abby happens, it becomes an entirely different game. Up to that point of the games, the story has been solely and entirely about Joel and Ellie. Outside characters came and went as they joined and left the Joel and Ellie universe, but now the experience was from the complete opposite perspective. The dozens of people Ellie killed became real, and both Ellie and the player have to decide how they will deal with this realization. good stuff.

I've never played this game, but I have watched it multiple times. This fully explores what a video game can be. Joel is a perfect lead for this world and Ellie develops into a perfect sidekick for him, while also taking him out of the world. Crazy that games can make you feel emotions.

This game is so cute. I love creating little animals and making them do whatever I want. The gameplay and town building is fun too.

Decent story with hit or miss gameplay. The shrapnel shotguns almost ruined the entire game.

Falls off towards the end, but definitely scary.