Top 10 2022

The 10 best games I played this year (2022). Some of these are based on English Language release dates

In another world, this game received its due acclaim with its original PC release and changed the entire landscape of Japanese adventure games and kinetic novels
Even lapsed I am too catholic for this game to not hit me in the heart and make me feel things I haven’t felt in years. An incredible narrative masterpiece
“Nitroplus for Women” as a friend put it. Signalis holds back very few punches and gave me everything I wanted, most of all, tragic human-android lesbian relationships
Honestly I don’t have a lot to say here other than this is definitely the best big budget jrpg made since XENOBLADE X
10/10, will define video games for the next decade
With the release of total war warhammer 3, the game total war warhammer has entered beta, the best news about the series since 2016
Doukyuusei is principally about 4 things:
1. Learning the complex structures of another person’s life to understand and know them better
2. Taking the piss out of generally everything
3. Going on Dates
4. Saying “Bangin’ Summer” to yourself over and over and giggling
UuultraC is the only gay tokusatsu and kaiju adventure game so by default it’s one of the best games of all time


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