A game with so much texture, loved the setting, but didn’t feel good to play, a bit of a slog tbh.

A bit janky at times but overall an enjoyable short game with a neat idea that never reaches its full potential, in a world where books are remixes of old tales and some are particularly interesting.

It’s a fun little adventure and while mechanically it’s not perfect, the ride is well worth it.
Also, the comedy is very Roiland but never becomes “just another R&M” which is good.

This is a game that deserves to be remade with better graphics, framerate and more interesting combat, the story is very movie-like, but the gameplay leaves some things to be desired.

Took me a while but I finished a game that I didn’t want to finish because I liked it so much. More engaging that BotW (love it too), with more story and different powers that make the game easier in a way.
A sequel that changes things, improves others but at the same time doesn’t make the previous worse, they’re both fantastic.

After a very well received first game, NT return after so many years with one of the most impressive looking games ever, gameplay-wise it’s more simple than Senua’s Sacrifice which was very simple already.
If you want a semi-short, streamlined story with very cool graphics and superb audio this is among the best ones.

A great addition to an already great game, the right length and it feels more action packed because it’s a compact version of the complete game. Recommended.

A neat idea stretched for waaay too long, to the point of asking for it to end.

When it comes to charisma this game has a lot, the yarn and environment is lovely but the gameplay wasn’t interesting nor satisfying.
I feel like this idea could’ve been a really cool animated short but not a game.

Atomic Heart is a game that has several good things (music, atmosphere, theme) going for it but manages to miss the mark with so many others (dialogue, open world) and yet it’s not a bad game but could have been a great game if Mundfish had limited the scope a bit instead of being so ambitious.

This is a great “first VR game” to enjoy, it’s not hard, visually very interesting and short, definitely shows the potential of VR in games.
Enjoyed every bit of it.

Although it retains old-school characteristics that may take a while to get used to, it’s a great game that manage to upgrade some things from the original.
Well done, Capcom.

As a game is very well made and kinda fun but a bit too difficult for me even with no speed xD

It’s somewhat enjoyable, good for a few moments here and there or once a day. Not a fan of screen joysticks though.

Spreading managed democracy has never been this good.
I think while there’s some fun in finding some things out by yourself there are some mechanics that could be explained better for newcomers though.
Love that the “battle passes” are permanent.