Fixes most of the issues in the original APART from the issues with story progression - just too big to fix...

Too repetitive but has some incredibly, series defining moments!

The base game is I think the best Mario Kart experience out there - Booster course is a bit disappointing but still a good time!

One of my favourite Zelda games

An absolute gem in the indie scene, but I feel like I've seen what it has to offer and I am ready to move on.

A game that was too exhausting for me to keep playing - the long dialogue boxes, the repetitive tasks, the way that I didn't feel rewarded for anything that I actually did in the game. Just not for me really.


I can recognise the genius of this game and how it works - I love the music and art style, mechanics etc. It is just very hard for me! But I get it, I get the point...

One of my favourite Mario games ever, mixed with one of my favourite Mario ADVENTURES ever. Felt super excited to play this for the first time in 2021 - and I was not dissappointed.

The amount of excitement that this game brought me was insane when it first came out. Considering that I'm not a huge fighting game fan, I'm surprised that I love the super smash bros series as much as I do

A wonderful game - such a great way for me to come back to the Kirby Series!

My favourite Xenoblade game so far. Loved the first one and didn't really like the 2nd one but this one just felt awesome. So many great characters, quests and stories. The music and visuals were amazing and the battle system was about as dynamic and fun as Xenoblade combat gets. However, I took a month long break as I was nearing the end of the main quest but upon picking it back up again - I could not remember what the story was at all, and so I've decided to call it there. Maybe in a few years, I'll pick it up and start another playthrough. However - its so long that I find that very daunting!

I really nice improvement on the first game which and I loved the more diverse characters and their stories a lot more than previously. However, due to it being very long and in depth - I don't know if I'll ever get round to finishing it. Like with the first game, I get the point, and then I move on.

A truly beautiful and, at times, majestic experience that I loved more than it's predecessor. However, I couldn't help but feel a nagging sense that there were too many missed opportunities to properly perfect what BOTW introduced i.e better dungeons, more diverse sidequests, better HUD design, a different story progression etc. That being said the final boss was incredibly and easily blows Calamity Ganon out of the water. The sad thing is that, much like Skyward Sword, the journey through the story is just a tad too exhaustive to encourage another playthrough to get to this final boss. Maybe in a few years, I'll have another playthrough but for now - I'm Zelda'd out.