Just playing it on my phone on my free times. I love this game! (More of a fan of the remakes, but my 3DS stopped working...) Anyways, I'm having so much fun while playing it, not reading the dialogue, and going about with my favorite team and my second favorite starter Pokémon (Mudkip, n1 is Rowlet).

Boy do I enjoy this game! Mainly for its story... The puzzles and gameplay have aged, yes, but still hold up pretty nicely to me. But the hook here is the story of course!

As the title says, this game is pure violence. I love it!

When I first played this game about three years ago, I didn't expect it to be this way, I thought it was sooo different... I was a bit disappointed, but still satisfied to see what a work of art this is. This game opened my eyes for a lot of things, my mind went blank.

Replaying it now feels like home, even if I was horribly bad the first time through and hadn't replayed it since, I became better, which made me enjoy this game more. In general, I can see now that Hotline Miami taught me how to play video games properly: To always be open to change, and to always try to better myself.

Also, yes, it's got a big discourse on violence and its normalization and how we enjoy it a lot to stupid levels, which is pretty clever in my opinion.

I started playing this one and got as far as chapter 3 like two years ago with PS plus extra, but they took it from me. Now, I've bought it and I'm now playing it (from the beginning, since I don't remember a lot of stuff), and I'm having such a blast! This game is so perfect in almost any sense, it feels polished down to the last detail. It's just astounding!

So, I've got the Platinum trophy now and I couldn't be happier. It's crazy to think that I've accumulated 650+ hours during all these years since 2015 and hadn't got the Platinum, well, now it's done.

I said it on my first review during this playthrough; this is one of my favorite games of all time because it was there for me (alongside The Last of Us and InFamous: Second Son) during probably the hardest part of my life. This opinion hasn't changed. Even though the boss fights are horrible compared to other games of the saga, even if I played the first two, even if I played other much better games in my whole life; I keep coming back to Gotham, and I keep enjoying it a lot.

As I also said in my first review of the playthrough, yes, I saw this game with other eyes since the last time I played it, a lot has happened since then. Batman Arkham Knight has a lot of flaws, but it's still such a goated game. It looks amazing! Even better than the most recent games that have been released, its playability is still goated, and it still is fun af to play.

Do I recommend playing this on 2024? Of course I do! I recommend playing the whole saga! Right then, right now, and forever!

I'm gonna miss you, Batman Arkham Knight... See ya again next time... :')

Been playing the AR challenges for the first time, aside from the one's of the DLCs I bought back in 2016. I remember being so excited to play on the Iceberg Lounge, and the Monarch Theatre since I'd never played the other two games yet; I was in there for the lore! (Same thing could be said about the Batmobile races from the movies, although I do hate the fact that Batfleck's batmobile doesn't have those challenges.)

I'm actually having a lot of fun playing them! The challenges are fun to get right, and the maps are really great! I'm sad I don't have the rest of DLCs tho, but I'm still having a lot of fun.

Although, the predator maps from the DLC story packs are cool, yet the challenges are so difficult I get frustrated! I am sure I'll get there, but I can't help but have this feeling that I'll need guides, and I don't like that.

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I can't help but think that this game's NG+ is so much less fun than I remember. Even though Knight is my favorite game of the trilogy, I feel that Arkham City's NG+ nails it, specially on predator maps with the add of armored enemies. Where the hell are they in this game??

Aside from the satisfaction of now knowing the locations of every firefighter, Azrael fight, and hidden Milita grounds, this NG+ just feels too forced... I'm not a fan of this and can't wait to get to my fourth and final part of playing this game: The AR challenges, which I never tried to complete. I'll do it now.

I still don't get the 240% (again). I will, but I can't wait to do it already, I'm getting tired of this. I still like the Militia's watchtowers tho :)

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Oficially done with Kanji's arc! And I've got some really nice things to say.

First of all, this was sooooo gay. Like, oh my god, if you thought Chie's awakening felt gay coded, wait 'till you see Kanji's arc, because it's practically him being a gay character.

Although, I do feel a little bit queer-baited at the end of it. The conclusion to this arc feels like a convoluted and not-needed justification that a bunch of conservatives force into the plot so it doesn't make Kanji canonically gay. Like, oh I just like guys more like girls, or stuff like that. I really didn't like that part because it feels like a kick to the nuts of the plot they've been writing since finishing with Yukiko.

On the other hand, I really love the way it speaks about masculinity, about how doing feminine stuff or liking men isn't a bad thing as a lot of people has tried to make us think. Kanji has come to be my favorite character so far because of that. He is a sentimental, empathetic and sweet person that has to hide his personality in order to protect himself and his mother. And what's best? He becomes a tough person, he becomes strong, he is respected, feared even! And what I love the most about that is that, in the end, Kanji still likes that part of himself, while being at ease with the one he rejected.

This is what I've been loving the most from P4G: the main characters (because the secondary ones, aside from the Dojima's, don't seem that interesting to me yet as they were in P5, but we'll see about that later). The Investigation Team is formed by these complicated, teenagers that really feel like human beings, and that keep learning from themselves. I love how Yukiko evolves during this arc too, stopping from being so reserved, to being an easy-going, nice person that laughs a lot and has a blast with her friends, who knows she doesn't want to inherit her family's business, and showing us that that's okay! Just amazing.

I'm loving where the game is going and I can't wait to see more new team members!

Loved it! I always like to play as other characters and specially with a whole story behind it. Although, I think the story could hit better, with its topics about not being good enough to replace Batman and stuff, if Two-Face wasn't such a cartoon in the main games (notice it's plural, YES, I'M LOOKING TO YOU TOO, ARKHAM CITY). Otherwise, it's fun, and the predator map is really cool!

I actually did like this one a lot! I only think it could've last longer (the same sin the rest of the DLC packs commit, aside from Batgirl's). It was actually really funny to see how dumb Penguin's goons are, and seeing his weird skeleton far away, stuck on the elevator is a really funny detail that I liked a lot.

The predator map is really cool! And well, the combat map is just recycled. Aside from that, it's really nice.

This DLC could've been better, a lot better...

First of all, the initial predator map is pretty cool, actually. It feels like a better version of that part of Arkham City when Catwoman tries to retrieve her stuff. And I loved playing in it. But god... That last one battle against the Riddlerbots is just torture; pure, in the rough torture...

Ever heard of the best DLC ever made? It's this one. A complete masterpiece! I loved seeing Batgirl in action, and I loved to see more of the Joker and Harley Quinn before the Arkham Asylum events.

The only thing I'm not satisfied with was Robin. Yeah, it was cool to see Tim Drake and his chemistry with Batgirl, but I feel like the devs wasted their opportunity to let you play with Jason Todd's Robin as this could've been before Joker kidnaps him. Aside from that, MASTERPIECE.

Another one that could've been better. I liked this one more tho.

Could've been better, or simply not exist. But I like the lore and combat.

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Well, side missions are totally better than in Arkham City. While I really love some of them, I hate others, and specially yet, I've got found feelings about others.

Deacon Blackfire's mission is quite fun! But my issue with it is its lack of background and preparation. It's just a one-mission story, with a bit of background if you ever get to go inside Jack Ryder's office at GCPD and listen to the tapes (which I did for the first time ever during this playthrough). Ryder's an interesting character by himself since he's such a punchable guy; and I would've loved some more obligatory preparation so the climax feels like a climax.

Firefly's mission is fun, just that... Which I kinda hate, I wanted more story there, but the mission has always been fine for me forever, and this time it wasn't the case, so not that bad.

Penguin's mission is also fun, and I love the dynamic that the... well, the DYNAMIC duo has in it. One of my favs, actually. I'm proud of you, Dick.

Riddler's mission is SUCH an improvement in terms of collectibles coming from Arkham City's. I loved to see so much less of the locations screaming RIDDLER every time I looked around. Although, his challenges were cooler back in AC, it's still a fun mission to go through though; and I loved the stories more this time.

The Militia's bombs are actually pretty fun once you fully upgrade the Batmobile. My hot take, really! Although, yeah, this mission is trash if you haven't got those upgrades. Deathstroke's boss fight is really disappointing tho.

The watchtowers were my favorites during my first playthrough, they are just so... Addictive! I LOVE the satisfying feeling of just seeing the city getting less red all over and that dominating feeling it gives you. Fun as hell.

Professor Pyg's mission is a masterpiece to me, specially remembering the first time through. Seeing those bodies, the opera music, and the final battle... GOSH I love it!!! Pyg became one of my favorite villains ever since.

Hush's mission is TRASH. Nothing more to say there, aside from telling the writers this: What the fuck?

Azrael's mission is fun, yeah, but just that again, quite a constant issue in this game really. But I do like it tho.

The car chases are really fun and I loved them! More points since you get to play them with other batmobiles.

The Fire Fighters are really fun too and kinda feel like the direct improvement of the political prisoners in AC. Still, I hate how difficult it is sometimes to find them.

Two-face's mission could've been way greater. I could complain about how much he feels like a cartoon in this game, but he has been one since AC. It's worse here tho. Also, fun gameplay.

Man-Bat!!!!! Holy shit is he so much fun! My only issue with this mission is that you can beat it in a really short time.

The Militia Checkpoints feel just the same for me as the watchtowers, lovely!

And that's it! Hope you liked this small review. :)