Games of the Year 2022

My top 11 games of 2022. This includes games released in previous years but not played until this year.

Probably tops many GOTY lists this year. For a good reason. It's fantastic.
Late to the party, but this has big Xmas time gaming vibes. Real comfort gaming. Just missing tubs of miniature heroes and dry roasted peanuts.
Single player was excellent, the best the series has had so far. Multiplayer is great as always. Just needs a few more maps now
Surprise hit for me. Has that Tecmo Bowl vibe with a bit more of a management twist. Addictive and lots of fun.
A big fan of the series anyway. Tenuous ties to the original but a lot of fun as well all the usual melodrama and sadness.
Feeding the souls-like obsession I had at the beginning of the year. A big gothic playground of monsters, caves and castles. A great time.
An honorary N64 collectathon that gets better and better with every level. New yet nostalgic. Never did manage to find every single Tinykin, though.
The best beat em up I've played in a long time. Cracking multiplayer co-op and just as fun on your own. Reminded me why I loved the Turtles so much as a kid.
The methadone to Animal Crossing New Horizons. A great farming sim and RPG. My kingdom for a rabbits foot.
I went straight into this after playing Dark Souls. I was slightly disappointed. It is an inferior sequel, but as a stand alone game in its genre, it's up there as one of my favourites.
A love letter to Resident Evil, Silent Hill and all the other late 90s horror games with obtuse puzzles and bad dialogue/VO. A great time.
A late addition, as I got this for Xmas. Although I had played it shortly after release, I had only had a brief go, and didn't appreciate the full range of games and extra stuff on offer. A real highlight.


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