For what it's worth, I actually enjoyed this game a lot. I thought it was extremely creative, and for god's sake, the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom hasn't had her own solo game since the DS era. I hope this does well enough to span a side series of Peach games. Not only are they the perfect amount of satisfying, but we also get to see more of the Princess herself; not just as the damsel in distress. My ONLY gripe with this game is that it's a completionist's nightmare. There should be a way to either backtrack during the level to find hidden sparkle gems (which in of itself is satisfying), OR once you complete the level, if you were to go back in, you can start from a different area. There's no need to do the entire level again, I think that's just extremely obnoxious.
My favorite costumes were Figure Skater Peach, Mighty Peach, and Swordfighter Peach! I'm super glad I played this.

I actually love this game so much. I played it a while ago, not realizing it was a metroidvania. It's probably what got me into the genre without me even knowing it. This game did three spider-men in different timelines before MCU made it cool.

Not the best Kirby game I've ever played, but certainly not the worst. A solid entry to the series!

The very first video game I ever played!

Definitely one of my favourite Rare games.

Actually a pretty decent Lego game!

This is the best Zelda games of all time, and I will go to war on that opinion. Breath of the Wild was revolutionary. Ocarina of Time is timeless. But Wind Waker truly blew everything out of the water and holds a very special place in my heart.

A solid entry. Not as bad as everyone says.

I liked this game! I thought it was really cute and satisfying. Definitely not the most groundbreaking platformer, but I really enjoyed what I played!

One of my favourite Mario Kart games ever.

My favourite Pokemon spin-off of all time.