There's very little to say about Undertale that hasn't been said already. It's an amazing game, with amazing music, an amazing cast of characters, with a really solid story and some really fun boss fights (Mettaton and Sans being my favorites). That's about it


OMORI was an incredibly pleasant surprise. I played the game after only seeing the first half hour of gameplay and being really interested in it for years, and actually seeing everything the game had to offer was an incredible experience. The music is stellar, and the battle system is very fun for an indie rpg, but it's the story that kept me hooked and wanting to see what would happen next. I fell in so much love with the game by the end of my first run, I spent like 100 hours playing it because I wanted to do EVERYTHING the game had to offer which is more than I can say for most games you see me play lol

Can you feeeeeeel lifeeeee movin through your miiiiiind
looks like it came back for moreeeeeeeeeee
Can you feeeeeeel timeeeee slippin down your spine
you try and try to ignoreeeee

Sonic Adventure 2 is one of my favorite games ever made and the gem that made me a die hard Sonic fan for the rest of my life. Is it buggy? absolutely. Can the Treasure Hunt stages be really bad? mad space. Are the Mech stages good? not that much but they're really overhated. But the sheer radical energy this game holds makes it an eternal classic in my eyes, and I always enjoy replaying it.

this game sucks
ok that was a bit too harsh. Let's backtrack a bit.
Sonic Heroes is by all accounts, a decent enough Sonic game. The stages are pretty alright and the team mechanic makes for some pretty unique level design we never really see in any other Sonic game, but it's fun and playable.

When you play your first team.
People love to shit on Shadow the Hedgehog for the constant backtracking and mandatory level redos and while i can understand the frustration of playing Westopolis 10 times, I honestly think Sonic Heroes has it far worse, but I digress. Personally, I think having to play the exact same game four times is really draining, especially when the playable characters really don't differ enough from each other to make each experience unique. not to MENTION THE MANDATORY SPECIAL STAGES WHICH I DESPISE WITH ALL OF MY HEART WHY DO I HAVE TO DO THIS FOR THE FINAL BOSS SEGA WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME
so yeah I'm not a huge fan of Sonic Heroes

I am Shadow the Hedgehog's strongest soldier. Genuinely one of THE most OVERHATED games I've ever played. People love to shit on the guns when we had Gamma three games ago. People love to shit on the mandatory level repeats when the last game was Sonic Heroes, where you have to go through the exact same 14 stages four times in a row to beat the game. That said there are some complaints that I do agree with, not every stage is a banger (Lost Impact haunts my nightmares) and the story does try a bit too hard to be edgy and dark at times, but I personally don't find either of those to be bad enough complaints to drag the entire game down. There's plenty of fun stages, and for the most part you can completely avoid some of the big stinkers while still getting all of the endings the game has to offer (Lost Impact, for example, is completely optional).

Also the songs are BANGERS I still listen to I Am All of Me to this day

This game is awesome as hell, it's got such a charming style, great levels, probably one of the best Sonic OSTs overall, and is just a blast to go through. Also I really like Blaze the Cat.

A masterpiece. I ADORE Sonic Mania and all it represents. Probably the best Sonic game that released in basically that entire decade.

I really like this game even if it's far from my favorite Sonic experience. The multiple campaigns with unique gameplay styles are a really fun idea I wish more later games used, and I had a blast with pretty much all of them. Open your heart, it's gonna be all right~

This game is the reason I avoid playing any more gatcha

Some of the best stories in all of Sonic stuck behind a borderline unplayable mess, at least to me.

really bad, i hear the ps3 version is way better maybe one day i'll be able to play that one

chat what the fuck is a time stone

Pretty peak if i do say so myself