I've been grinding this game for weeks to unlock Goku Black and holy shit it's so fun

Playing Survivor is actually fun enough, the map is really big and the skills you can learn are really cool and make the game fair enough against the much more powerful Raiders, but it's whenever I get the chance to play Raider that things get super exciting, you really start to FEEL like a Dragon Ball villain, killing all the worthless worms in your way (and sometimes losing brcause you get wayyy too cocky and fuck up badly)

Really fun time

Sonic Rush was one of the most fun Sonic games I ever actually played all the way through, so naturally I was super excited for the sequel. Whenever Rush Adventure did what Rush did, it was pretty much just as good. The levels were fun, the movement was great, and the OST was amazing! So why didn't I rank it as high as the original?

Because of everything that wasn't like Rush. I'm probably gonna sound like one of those "ah the first game is always way better" losers but I do think that some of the new mechanics and gameplay portions just aren't nearly as fun as the main gameplay and drag down the experience a bit. Sailing is fun at first, but quickly becomes super boring and repetitive even with the game's attempts to diversify it once in a while, and goooood was collecting the Chaos Emeralds utterly and completely painful to do. Collecting materials wasn't all that bad but it felt to me more like forcing you to replay levels every now and then than an actual cool new addition to the gameplay loop. Just not a lot of fun going on in between the main levels, which is really unfortunate.

One of those games that remind me of why I love games in the first place. A Hat In Time is a true love letter to 3D Platformers and by god is it a good one. All of the areas are super fun and charming in their own way and the movement options are just a total blast to utilize to their full potential. Alpine Skyline def stands out when it comes to gameplay, since its less story-oriented design meant that the sheer freedom of movement was the greatest appeal

not a perfect game, some of the bosses felt way too easy (although I haven't played the DLC just yet) and there's a few minor issues here and there, but it was just soooo fun.

Persona 4 Golden is the best 6.5/10 game I've ever played. The main storyline was honestly amazing, and I loved seeing the main mystery slowly unfolding, with the main conclusion being super cool on all fronts. I do think that sometimes (especially in the early game) it dragged on a bit, it felt like the story didn't want to progress so it was just the least amount of new info possible. If it were only for the main story and some of the Shadow confrontations, I'd be confident in calling this an amazing game.

Sadly, there's more to it. And that's when the game slowly starts to fall off (but not that much, mind you). While the main cast is pretty strong, a lot of the running gags and jokes throughout most of their interactions just... aren't funny. Yukiko laughs a lot! Rise's entire personality is simping over Yu! Yosuke is homophobic! Laugh! I'm willing to just say the humor isn't for me, but it really made going through some of the slower parts of the game that much harder.

The Social Links for the most part are actually pretty solid! Some of them were a bit boring but hey, you can't expect them all to be bangers.

Ok, but well, this is still a video game, right? How was the gameplay?


The combat is fine for the most part, pretty standard as far as turn-based jrpgs go, but the dungeons are sooooo boring, and whenever a floor decides to have a quirky gimmick to spice things up, it just makes it bad in the process (the less said about Hollow Forest the better). Not to mention how hard it is to gain EXP at times, so I had to change the settings to make the amount of EXP I got higher just so I could be around the same ballpark as the bosses for the most part.

I really wish I could give this game a higher grade but it's too flawed for me to do so, which is really unfortunate. Oh well, at least Marie was peak.

Important to note, I'm very bad at shooters and all of my experiences come from Normal mode, and I haven't even gotten to Flandre yet

But this game is sooooo fun! It's not completely unfair (even if I hate Sakuya for the amount of 1CC runs she RUINED I HATE YOU-) and figuring out how to evade the patterns is actually super sick, almost like constantly solving new puzzles. Of course, the music is stellar, but if you've been on the internet long enough you don't need me to tell you that (my favorite is Beloved Tomboyish Girl). A really good game and it completely makes sense to me how this was the reason Touhou became a massive name.

This game is very controversial, and I was completely aware of everything going into it, but I wanted to give it a fair chance. Ignore all outside knowledge and judge the game for what's in the game. How did that go?

it's alright.
It doesn't look the prettiest, and the story can be pretty stupid at times, but I... had a lot of fun playing it. It feels like a stock standard mega man game at times, but... some of the stages were genuinely really fun to go through.

Shovel Knight is without any doubts one of the best games I have ever played. A perfect recreation of the style of all-time classics while also being an extremely fresh experience that stands out with its uniqueness. The level design is incredible, and while it's certainly challenging, it never feels unfair. The boss fights are iconic and serve as perfect culminations of what their stages have built up with their mechanics. And that's just Shovel of Hope! The extra campaigns have amazing stories, incredibly fun new gameplay mechanics that make each experience stand out and even stand on par with the first one, to the point where it's genuinely fair to choose any of them as your favorite (mine is Plague of Shadows btw). And of course you can't talk about Shovel Knight without singing the praises of the soundtrack, Jake Kaufman COOKED with this holy shit. What a fantastic game.

This game really wants to be Okami. It tries its absolute best. But because of that, it ends up feeling like a shallow imitation for the most part. By attempting to just be Okami, it ends up feeling extremely uncreative in its setting, ripping most of its areas out of Okami with little to no actual creativity at play. That said, the game shines most in its dungeons, and particularly the partner mechanic. But it gets dragged down by just how hard it wants to be Okami. Its combat system is nowhere near as fun, the bosses are more of a chore to get through instead of really fun and fantastical encounters like the first game had, and the story has good moments, but it keeps trying to be "Okami, but again" which really bothers me. A game that could have been great, but suffers from keeping itself so attached to what came before. I really hope we get a proper sequel one day, because this just ain't it.



This review contains spoilers

Before anything, I will fully admit that I am someone with a pretty loose understanding of philosophical topics like the ones handled within the story of Nier Automata
I can understand it easy when reading up on specific theories or authors, but it's hard for me to fully process it when playing a game such as this one.
As such, there's factors within this narrative that I wasn't exactly qualified to understand fully, so I can never take a truly deep dive into what makes this story so amazing.

But that did not affect my enjoyment of this genuinely incredible game. The combat is highly challenging, but extremely fun. The hacking minigames are pretty alright. THe characters are really cool (except 9S I despise 9S the best ending is the one where he dies and I get to laugh at him). The music is phenomenal. Even if you don't feel like playing this game, I highly recommend Weight of the World, it's fantastic. It's an experience I don't think I'll even fully forget. Kudos to everyone who helped make this incredible work of art a reality.