you can try running
you can try hiding
but you can never truly escape the truth hidden deep down.

you're a sneaky little impostor.

what's the point of building forts, you're going nite nite

Jump Force changed my life. I am not the same person I was before I played Jump Force. No videogame out there has impacted me quite the same way. Truly, one of the games ever made.

Great game, triforce fetch quest can go fuck off

I played this game in a Discord vc with some friends watching me and it was one of the most fun experiences I had
the game itself is pretty ok, it's a standard ps2 era licensed game

this really isn't a game to me
it's a glorified walking simulator with no real story or "characters" and barely even has a goal to accomplish
but the incredible atmosphere and the dark undertones of nealy every area Madotsuki goes to is unmatched as far as games I've played
Yume Nikki isn't a game, it's an experience.

pretend I wrote down the entire Brentalfloss lyrics here kay thanks

I played this on an emulator and my computer was having a heart attack so every time i entered Hyrule Field the game would run at 1 fps

the fact that I completed it is probably a good sign of how fucking good the rest of the game was

A game with insane potential and a great use of the Arkham formula massively dragged down by its insanely bad use of the batmobile being most of it


The ghost ending changed my life

not five stars because it includes rise from the ashes