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What a blast from the past for me! I still remember playing this when I was much younger, and my jaw falling to the floor as the cup I fought so hard for was stolen by… a ninja and two mages?! Yeah, I had no idea what a final fantasy even was, but their designs were so cool and they proceeded to whoop my behind. Determined to beat them, I set out again and again and finally managed to do so! I was ecstatic when I then unlocked the ninja as a playable character (in an already quite sizeable roster!) and never played a match without him on the team from then on.

The special shots are a treat and the overall gameplay is just very solid. I even have good memories of the multiplayer mode, just fooling around in it with my sister since I had no-one else to play with.

Nowadays, it gets a tad repetitive a bit too quickly, but I’m still a huge fan of the ninja and it’s definitely a hidden gem.

The concept alone is still so wild, Mario jumping around from planet to planet in space. I got this at a bargain price for my Wii U having never played it when it originally released, and it had not lost any of it’s shine. I loved shooting from planet to planet through launch stars, I think Bee Mario is such an underrated power-up and the orchestral soundtrack with plenty of bopping tunes is still one of the best. Not many Mario OST’s that have music this grand and dramatic, haha.

It can be a tad gimmicky with its levels, but I personally didn’t mind these too much, and always had at the very least a decent bit of fun with them!

Funnily enough, the story and the atmosphere surrounding these story beats really pulled me in on this one. Yeah, story in a Mario game, who cares about that? I apparently do, and Rosalina’s little bedtime story as well as the ending to the game really left me quite surprised with how much more it immersed me in the game world, where Mario is usually full steam ahead with bombastic fun. Here there’s moments that are more subdued and calm, with even a slight melancholic tone to it, which felt oddly fitting for a game set in the vastness of space.

In either case, anyone and everyone owe it to themselves to give this one a go.

I have some crazy friend who thinks this game is the greatest game ever made. He sat me down and had me play through the entire game one afternoon. It was aight.

I spent way too much time playing this back in the day, but to be honest, it’s surprisingly good and still fun to go back to nowadays. Pretty good music and animations, a hidden gem of some sort in my opinion.

This is probably not a 10/10 game, but it was a 10/10 experience for me. It introduced me to Etrian Odyssey, a series I now love and own every game for. The music ABSOLUTELY blew me away, I was flabbergasted by how good it is, both in terms of creating a calming atmosphere as you walk around and very smoothly shifting that over to high-octane battle music. The art style is so, so nice too, both for characters and for backgrounds. The story mode was a brand new addition, but it really helped me ease into the genre, while also just keeping me engaged with loveable characters and a story that has a surprisingly effective hook, even if the story itself isn’t anything groundbreaking. Props to the voice actors too, they did a great job, and though there aren’t many of them, the anime cutscenes are just sublime.

Drawing your map, fighting monsters, selling their parts for better gear so you can explore further, constantly cutting it close with how you use your money on what equipment… it’s a constant balancing act. I even dropped the game twice because I couldn’t manage to beat a boss and didn’t feel like grinding, but I’m very glad I came back to it and managed to beat it after all. I didn’t do all the optional and post-game content, since I had my fill, but as the very first Etrian Odyssey game I ever played, this one has a special place in my heart.

The story, the characters, the music, the extra scenarios, the abundance of post-game content, the memories…
This is nostalgia given physical form, and what a fine form indeed.


ARMS was free to play as one of those NSO trial things for like a week or so, and I had my fill of it in that time. Beat the hardest difficulty of the arcade mode, fooled around online a bit, and that’s where my interest faltered and I felt like I had done everything the game had to offer, pretty much. It’s pretty fun, rather creative and in terms of presentation and personality, it has both down great! There’s just not much content to keep you engaged, so though I don’t regret playing it, the fact I had my fill during that trial period says it all.

Surprisingly decent, was also taken aback it was made by wayforward. Nothing that special to see here but the fact it’s a fun ride at all is commendable with these sorts of games.

I’mma be honest: I have no idea how I ever managed to finish this. The game is repetitive to an insane degree, but somehow, it never stopped being fun to juggle enemies around and pull off flashy special moves to do insane damage. It’s a true shame that no other game except the sequel used this system in an tactical RPG. Of course, thanks to all the fanservice and characters I’d never seen before, this introduced me to a bunch of games I’d never have heard of otherwise.

I was playing around with it, suddenly got a game over due to some decision I didn’t see coming, then had to restart from the very beginning since there’s no saves. Nope. I’m out.
We really got the short end of the stick when it comes to the bonus title with SG Elite.

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Gorgeous art, great music, lots of cute lil characters with cool or creepy bosses to balance it all out, and absolutely bursting with content. One of the best cases of ‘bang for your buck’ ever! Nevertheless, I’d not say this game struck me as a masterpiece or left any strong impression on me. The journey towards the true ending was a great time, and it has a truly soulslike quality to the bosses where overcoming them after a lot of struggles feels extremely satisfying. It was a quality time, but it never went anywhere beyond that. I think the only time I felt something stir in me was in the city of tears (if that’s what it was called) and then it never quite managed to hit that again.

It reminded me of Dark Souls in that sense. Many claim it a masterpiece, and though I enjoyed it greatly, I never really saw what’s supposed to make it a masterpiece. It decidedly just comes down to what I look for in stories, worlds and in games as a whole, and that’s fine. I’m glad I got to enjoy the ride and I will gladly hop on again with Silksong, whenever that eventually releases.

I gosh darn hate the motion controls in this, simply because I suck at using them, and since the wii-wheel was the new hot thing… yeah, my first experience with this game was a bit rocky.

Coming back to it years later, with the genius intellect to realise I could just… not play with the motion controls, I had an absolute blast. The track selection is amazing, kart selection is nice and snappy compared to 8 Deluxe, but more than all of that, I just relish in the absolute chaos that this game brings. I’ve played a lot of different mario kart games and I feel like the balancing in this one has to be on drugs, because it feels like a total warzone on the track, and I love it. Keeps things fresh and makes for a great time with buddies.

When I went on a long bus trip to London, a bunch of buds brought their DS with them and we all had a blast playing this through download play. It’s one of the best gaming memories I have and it was tons of fun!

Besides the splendid memories, the game itself is also just quite impressive on the DS, and that mission mode is still unique to this entry! A great time.

Short, sweet, very cute. Lovely artstyle, too.
Over in an afternoon, so what do you got to lose?

With lightsabers, shotguns and rocket launchers all over the stage, as a little spider, you strike back! A great time with friends, with a ton of hype moments when you’re caught up in a lightsaber duel or land a tricky shot. It also has a wave mode, where you work together instead of against each other, that also makes for a good time, even if it gets stupidly hard very fast.

The single player options fall apart rather quickly though, because the randomness and jank of the game are a whole lot less fun on your own.
Special mention to the music, it’s surprisingly catchy!