Log Status






Time Played

14h 47m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

August 3, 2022

First played

July 25, 2022

Platforms Played


Obviously never reaches the creative or technological highs of Super Mario 64, but it's a pretty nifty clone with good graphics for the system and tight controls - not including the initially novel but ultimately infuriating camera that will send you to your untimely doom more times than one. And just in case you misinterpreted that, I didn't mean that it's just a janky camera system that might get you killed - no, it absolutely will get you killed from time to time and that's just a fact one must live with when picking this game up. I think most of its major problems for me can be tied directly to that, otherwise though this is pretty swift and occasionally funny with its incessant barrage of dated but sturdy pop culture references ("In a land before time, when Saturday Night Live was funny..." aged like a fine wine, along with plenty of others - the Austin Powers impressions grate, though). Samurai Night Fever, This Old Cave, and Honey I Shrunk the Gecko are the standout levels + BGMs imo. Not too shabby, way better than the first one.