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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

October 3, 2015

First played

July 22, 2015

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Games I Like That Everybody Else Dislikes

A thuddingly generic encapsulation of seventh-generation FPS gaming mediocrity whose blatant awfulness circles it around to nuance. I don't believe in the term "guilty pleasure" (if you like something, just own up and say you like it - no excuses) but if I did, this would be one of mine. Tried and true "so bad it's good" histrionics too strong not to give into. Adapting the number one show in the world at this time into a zombie-killing sim right at the apex of CoD-fever should have been a slam dunk, but this thing looks and runs like it had the budget of a Happy Meal: totally checked-out voice acting from Reedus + Rooker, accidental mouse cursors right in the opening credits, and an occasional glitch that removes all zombies from this zombie game (among numerous other warts). Never fails to be a damn good time guffawing at how openly shitty this is, its chunky aesthetic and pure boneheaded lack of care is an instant mood-brightener every time. Like... this was released to the general public lmfao. A barrel of laughs, doubly so when you realize this released just a year after Telltale's brilliant The Walking Dead - Season 1. Between this and the similarly hilarious trash heap Dead Island: Riptide I guess I just find a lot of enjoyment in oafish zombie games.