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GOTY '23

Participated in the 2023 Game of the Year Event


Played 250+ games


Played 100+ games

Favorite Games

Monster Hunter Rise
Monster Hunter Rise
Moon: Remix RPG Adventure
Moon: Remix RPG Adventure
Pokémon HeartGold Version
Pokémon HeartGold Version
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life


Total Games Played


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Gave this game a taste test and then immediately ordered an authentic English copy from the Netherlands. Does Monkey Puncher deserve 5/5? No. Am I giving it 5/5? Absolutely!

You are tasked with raising the ultimate monkey puncher after your father and brother are kidnapped by a shady organization. Gameplay consists of repetitive mini games and automated battles. You climb through the ranks to become a champion while unraveling the mystery of your missing family. Epic-funny plot with adorably sloppy execution. Constant translation errors add hilarious amounts of charm to an already absurd game.The pixel art is clean, the animations dynamic, the monkeys impeccable. You can breed successive generations to raise stats. There are only 5 base models for monkeys, but their colors are influenced by genetics and they have endearing designs.

Perfect score because this is an obscure, plucky game that took me by surprise and stole my heart.

A charming & stylish romp that doesn't overstay its welcome. It reminds me of Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak for the GBA, but with more simplistic gameplay.

"You could say that we are good negative examples of life."

Best played on a clunky original PS2, with a used copy, someone else's scribbles decorating the manual.

Chulip has an irresistible lassitude. You move into a shabby town, dig through garbage cans, and wait for the train while the music goes doo-ba-bop.

Design-wise, it's the most opaque game I've ever played. Conceptually, it's fantastic. It addresses themes like poverty and resilience with whimsy, imagining a world where the next generation can be healed by a kiss.