Cool concept, but that's about it

scuffed steam version of mariomaker.

Pac Man with abilities, its what you'd expect.

While the Dread X Collection isn't really scary per se, the greatness comes from how novel each game is. A fun experience if you aren't looking for anything in particular.

very fun shooter. I like the PVP and the PVE.
The game obviously has a lot of flaws as I am writing this in early access, but hopefully that will improve as this game continues its growth

Im not going to list every complaint I have with this game, but here are the major things I would like to see changed:

- Better gun animations, it feels really clunky at times
- More PVP maps
- Better PVP maps
- more fleshed out PVE "roguelike" perks
- more fleshed out PVE enemies
- kill cams in PVP are super scuffed
- better dodge, it dosen't feel good to use
- some characters abilities feel redundant, I would like to see some of the characters get reworked
-its not really a problem, but this game should have more characters if its going to be a 6v6 game

Things I think this game does very well:

- I really like the battlepass, If you buy it, (10USD,) and max it out, you can get the next season for free, you can also accumulate premium currency (albiet slowly) for free by leveling the free battlepass every season. Its similar to apex legends' battlepass.
-the concept of a rogue like pve mode is super fun, even though it still needs work.
- weapon variants and mods seem super fun, I cant wait to get them
-tasks are generous in rewards (which is good)

[EDIT] the game died :(

extremely basic metroidvania by todays standards. The game is extremely short though so beware.

My second favorite game of the year. A lot of people complain about the cheesy dialogue, but that should not be what stops you from trying the game.
The gameplay is extremely fun and the music is incredible.

The first resident evil game I played. The gameplay was mediocre but the story was fun, and it ended up being the reason I played the rest of the resident evil games.

half decent cyberpunk horror. A lot of people compare this game to soma, but don't listen to them. Its gameplay is much more comparable to layers of fear.

While this game has a lot of charm, the game ends up explaining nothing so you just kind of mindlessly wander around until you get bored and drop the game... The control scheme is also not good.

My favorite game of the year. The physics are different, but it doesn't negatively impact the game unless you are bound by nostalgia. (there is also a mod to bring back the old physics)

Everything wrong with this game all goes back to it being extremely unpolished. It just isnt worth 25USD.

Refreshing indie hack n slash worth your money.

The game is alright but its over priced if you don't get it on a sale.