This is, by far, the best SMT game for any new-comer to start with.

Very standard SMT plot with some of the better characters in the series.
Easier difficulty compared to other SMT games, gives you more time to familiarize yourself with the combat, but still not an easy game in general!
Wonderful atmosphere in ruined tokyo with fun side-content.
Actually one of the best OSTs of any video game, ever.

If you ever wanted to play an SMT game, this is absolutely the one to start with, it'll only make you excited to play the rest of them!

Quite easily one of the best sonic games ever created, fan-game or official! The level design, the character abilities, the wonderful music and aesthetics, it's all so wonderfully hand-crafted and makes me so grateful for this game's existence!

The only reason I'm giving it a 4.5 instead of full marks is the disappointing lack of outstanding custom levels compared to 2.1, but the vanilla campaign is so amazing that I honestly can't complain too much.

This was my first ever SMT game.


I fucking hated my time with it initially, that game made me angry beyond reason, it was a legitimately awful experience as a new-comer.

It's hard as balls, the dungeon design Will kick you in the balls, and the story just wasn't clicking with me.

But the more I looked back on it... This is honestly a pretty excellent dungeon crawler, and one of the better written SMT stories out there.

And as well, the issues I had with dungeon crawling were entirely self-inflected from picking this game first. I'm more than sure I'd do a lot better on a re-play now.

This should absolutely not be your first pick for an SMT game but, as a 3rd or 4th pick? Yeah, absolutely give it a shot!

This review will be focused on the specifics of 3 portable instead of being a review of Persona 3 as a whole and, the first thing I want made very clear is.

This game is piss easy.

It was my first Persona game (and I guess SMT game by extension?), and first RPG in general, and I was able to beat the entirety of it with just a Jack Frost and Jack Lantern that I upgraded the stats of.

...Which does make it perfect as a portable game, it's incredibly comfy and very easy to go back to wherever you leave it off, you never leave the game and dread coming back to it due to how stressful it is.

The pick up and play nature of it helps a lot with the monotony involved with exploring Tartarus as well, which makes it a lot more bearable.

Considering though that this was the version Atlus released on home consoles and PC, I'd recommend you play this game in short bursts to not get bored of it.

Gameplay was incredibly fun and the atmosphere is chill, but the characters and story completely failed to hook me.

I can absolutely see why people adore this game, it's just not for me I guess.

More of the same, with more pretty PSX visuals! A better game than the first but not substantially. Still very much worth your time!