There was a time where I was addicted to idle/clicker games... Yup.

Almost 200 hours on steam.

TOWER D-D-D-DEFENSE GAMES MAKES ME C-C-C-C-C-U; but in all honesty this game is the true essence of TD games, but it does it a crispy masterpiece perfection. Every aspiring TD game should strive to grab fundamentals from this game.

I want to be even more blatantly biased and give it a better score... But I would be pushing it.

It does a lot of things incredible well, hence the score I gave it, but they can't outweigh the really bad blunders this game suffers from.

As a Metroid fan I enjoyed it. But sadly this time: they didn't cook.

I like survival games and I like dinosaurs. Somehow this game managed to not click for me.

The famous culprit in the diarrhea soup? Yup... This is the one.

I was a Pokémon fan, and with that you already know I was biased. But now that I've been hit in the face with so many reality checks I can surely say this is soulless.

And don't even get me started with the "step in the right direction" argument, I already talked about that in my Pokémon Scarlet review.


How should I put it: Le hidden gem of the art driven games.

You won't forget this experience. Some might argue it is a bit short, to which I say: fair enough, but the quality is not debatable.

This is the Torchlight you want to play (even the first one), we don't talk about the next entries. The ultimate ember sniffing experience. Play it on hard and you won't even see what oneshots you. Play it online and you will desync and die when there's no enemies. Play it with mods and enhance the experience while not understanding crap about what's happening.

Torchlight 2 is a Diablo killer, no doubts. It clears so hard without even trying.

It is fun, but by Satan's wee wee it's repetitive.

This is the version that I settled for, and I don't regret a single time Yukari didn't want to heal.

Persona 4 gets a 4... cause its the 4th game... and it's kinda good I guess.

The first entry on the Mega Man X series should not have peaked this hard. It was a tough bar to overcome, and sadly they never could. Just imagine a legless summer ant trying to jump through Saturn's rings.

This work of art casts a big ass shadow to the other games on the console.

Words can't describe how much I love this game. Which kind of defeats the purpose of me trying to "review" it...

The levels, the movement, the music, the secrets. How can you even come up with shit like this? what super computer brain could possibly come close to this mastapiece.

If Him was a game, he would be this one.

This is a 5 star, I just need a better score for the real goat: dkc2.

What are these combo trials........