A Harvest Moon style game with a dark sense of humor. Pretty fun, also easy to put down and forget about it forever.

Played the shit out of this on my snes as a kid. It's hot garbage but who cares.

Great game, still have 0 fucking clue how to play the card game

I play a lot of rogue likes and this is one of them. Nah but the dice/weapons angle is a cool one. Just lacking a bit in variety of enemies

Legitimately a sad loss for the asymetric horror game genre. RIP, Gone too soon

Ran like shit though, hella buggy.


This game is better than people think, The issue is people think it's REALLY bad so it lands in the middle.


God I love how this game looks, and nothing else.

The combat is cool, the story is hot ass and anyone acting otherwise is skewed by anime tiddies

Dumpster tier fighting game but very fun

One of the best ones, and I've played a looooot of these time vampires.

One of the STINKIEST asymetric horror games. IF this wasn't a DBZ game it would have been even more DOA than it already was

Honestly a good place to start for folks that wanna learn fightan

For some reason this was my go to rental game as a kid, I was a dumb ass kid, just an idiot.

I stole this from my friend ben for 12 years and I loved every second of it. Fuck you Ben I love you