They finally added a grappler so now it's a good game


Sometimes this game is a REAL asshole, and I love it for that.

Very cute, very cool, the gimmick wears off eventually then the game ends so it alllllllllll works out.

I wish SF 5 was like SF4. But I will also wish SF6 is like SF5 so idk what I want, like most FGC folks I'm a fickle fickle man.


Maybe the shitties game that I have over 1000 hours in

Why this game cost like 10 bucks on mobile.

This game slaps but I have a love of wrestling and metroidvanias so I'm square in the target market

Babies first RTS. Literally, I was a baby and this was my first RTS.

Dance with cute little guys, then grow MORE little guys. What's not to love?

Fun little shooter that suffers from competing with like 4 other games in the space. Ducks are cuties though

Peak Monster Hunter. I liked water combat

Cute, fun for an hour then very zzzz

This game runs like trash, isn't fun, and everyone looks like a potato. I played roughly 200 hours as a kid because I'm an idiot.

I hated this even as a child and I was a big huge fanboy of ATLA, so you know it's trash.