Shmups/STGs for Genre Newcomers

Shmups that are good entry points into the genre. Trying to represent each subgenre. Click the notes for more info :)

Games have been chosen with mind to being either currently available on modern platforms or being very easily emulated.

Zeroranger is last on this list only because i think it's a game worth waiting until you've played at least a few STGs before you start. It's incredibly referential in nature, something which can be appreciated more if you actually have an idea on what it's going on about.

Still, it's a game who's structure, narrative and incredible presentation lends itself well as a beginner shmup.
Cho Ren Sha 68K
Cho Ren Sha 68K
Similar situation to Thunder Dragon 2, though leaning a bit closer to the side of bullet hell than the classic shooter format. CRS is pure shooter and very little else, and has a great soundtrack to boot.
Kind of tenuous entry onto the list considering it's a bit awkward to find, not really a shmup, and is a bit hard to figure out, but the core gameplay and incredible presentation, as well as it being a bridge between puzzle games and STGs, encourages me to put this here.
Crimzon Clover: World EXplosion
Crimzon Clover: World EXplosion
For those starved of stimuli.

I actually dont think CC is that great a beginner shmup, but it's both very cheap, and also probably the best example of living up to the reputation of being completely mad and over the top and having every pixel on the screen consist of SOMETHING happening.
Probably the easiest cave game to get into, very simple, almost tech-demo in nature. A great introduction to bullet hell.
Darius Gaiden
Darius Gaiden
More of an artistic spectacle for those into the presentational side of shmups. Giant fish bosses! Awesome music! and the game isn't even that hard!

Gaiden is one of the finest shmups ever made and a true testament to Taito's strengths at that time, and to this day is an awesome concept album of an experience.
Armed Police Batrider
Armed Police Batrider
Normal Course is an excellent first arcade 1cc to go for and is a great introduction to the wackier side of STGs.
Jishou no Chihei Mendako
Jishou no Chihei Mendako
I feel putting a fixed axis STG on the list is probably important for some people, so here it is. Like space invaders, but better designed and just Rad.
Touhou Fuujinroku: Mountain of Faith
Touhou Fuujinroku: Mountain of Faith
There's gotta be a touhou on here and as far as im concerned, MOF is the definitive beginner touhou. Very easy to get into, not very complicated, and frankly, not particularly interesting. But it's got some incredible strengths in it's music and it's a great base for players to go onto games like UFO and Imperishable Night.
Blue Revolver
Blue Revolver
BR, particularly in it's mission mode, does a great job of teaching STG concepts and is just a flat out very good game all-round.
Batsugun is the proto-bullet hell, basically setting the template that later games would go all in on. It's also, particularly in it's "Special" version, fairly easy for an arcade game and a less overwhelming game than later cave titles in terms of stimuli.
R-Type Leo
R-Type Leo
Easily the most reasonable and also the best entry into the R type formula. Kinda similar in these regards to gradius rebirth, but a bit scrappier and more difficult.
Black Bird
Black Bird
I was going to put fantasy zone on this list, but Black Bird basically is a better fantasy zone gameplay wise with more interesting presentation and great level design. It's quite easy, albeit extremely short, but frantic and thoroughly engaging all the same.
Neko Navy
Neko Navy
Neko Navy is simultaneoulsy a very cute, friendly beginner shmup, as well as being a awesome, fantastically designed shmup. It's an especially good teaching tool for resource management, routing and bombing, and does it whilst being cute and approachable all the same. Lovely, lovely game.
Natsuki Chronicles
Natsuki Chronicles
Natsuki Chronicles' structure, being focused on individual stages and variable layouts, is way more approachable than most arcade games, whilst at the same time, Qute incorporate the same challenge. It's a sequel to ginga force story-wise, but it's a much superior game and you basically just skip it outright.
Graze Counter GM
Graze Counter GM
Thunder Dragon 2
Thunder Dragon 2
Thunder Dragon 2 is tough, and definetly not a game a newcomer is likely to clear. However, it's also a game that's a pure showcase of the joy of the classic style of STG. Just shoot stuff whilst an awesome announcer goes off, bombing the daylights out of everything.
Toaplans finest and most approachable work, hishousame is such an excellent stg with no frills. It's superb at presenting the player with scenarios with a ruleset that is easy to understand, and introducing concepts that are harder to discern in other stgs.
Gradius ReBirth
Gradius ReBirth
Psuedo-Remake of Gradius 1/2 that is extremely approachable, and easily the best entry into the gradius frachise. Only let down is that it's currently unavailable but it emulates very well in dolphin.
GG Aleste
GG Aleste
A very simple and pretty easy shmup, GG aleste 1 is nontheless a fairly good way to introduce oneself to some of the genre's concepts and core. It's such a simple game that boils off anything that doesnt matter, and all that's left is a good, core, classic shmup experience.


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