Made me really feel something again, best of the dancing series nostalgia wise, but it’s held back by having the worst remixes ever for songs


When the open beta dropped it was fun for like 5 games, then I was finished. Very sad existence this game has

The game I want to see remade the most out of all the older Personas. The gameplay is improved from Innocent Sin and the plot never ceases to amaze me.

I love this game I think everyone else should love it too let’s spread love guys

Failed industry plant fighting game

Game only gets 1 star and not .5 because the multiplayer was kind of fun

just manages to be the most fun sucking mosquito spirit draining games of all time. Community is abhorrent and there’s way too many micro transactions. I recommend anyone who actively plays this game get help. It does have Leon tho

Elaborate never ending troll by bungie this game is proof that ANYONE can make it in the gaming industry

I liked killing guys and villains

A certain YouTuber ruined the narrative of this game forever and it is futile to ever argue for it. The slowest of burns but it genuinely is really worth it for people who enjoyed the first game. The only thing that genuinely made me upset is when I’d fight a boss, kick their ass and then the following cutscene would show me losing, it made me feel like I was a bum and that my hard work meant nothing win or lose

Fanbase is cooked beyond repair because the people who claim to like this game don’t have more than 10 hours on it and can’t do a bnb with their “favorite character” that aside this set a new standard for modern fighting game’s appearance and features wise. The balance team is full of lobotomites however, which has led to this game from a fgc standpoint, being stagnant most of the time, with an unchanging meta that has been the same for YEARS without change and we all know Arc Sys never delivers hard game changing balance patches. So that’s probably not gonna change any time soon. Good game tho I love guilty gear

This series is cooked because I’d like to imagine the board of directors for this game is comprised of real life Pandas. There is no innovation or change or creativity in this games features. The art and music team are INCREDIBLE but there is a severe lack of thought on the gameplay side of things. I can play about 5 games of this piece of trash before it’s time to get off. This is an amazing first month or so game but after that there’s just no reason to play. Hope the DLC saves the day like the last game with Octo Expansion

Greatest story finale ever, its just peak

Nothing more satisfying than devoting my entire playthrough to making the most optimized overpowered personas I can conjure and making a joke of Nyx hold that Concentrated Almighty Boost/Amp Multi Target Boost Heat Riser’d Morning Star from my Orpheus Telos fraud