I remember my friend unboxed the best version of this one weapon out of a loot box and I never got it. I swear he would never beat me in 1v1’s and suddenly he was cooking me. Why the hell did they think pay to win shooter was a good idea. I hope the dude at activision who pitched it was dealt with promptly

Worst game ever made probably and there are real life zombies that will try to convince you it’s not please beware

the peak of the series hands down, all the games prior were just getting the formula perfected

Every other review will never capture the true essence of this game like I have. It’s genuine peak and everyone should experience BBTAG at least once in their lives

Fighting games peaked here but the input reader is terrible someone fix that pleaze

This game is such a creature to me man. Imagine convicting a little boy of using a REVOLVER (held with one hand) to shoot and kill someone bruh. This game hit a point where it was just completely unserious. I fw Apollo tho

This series is cooked because I’d like to imagine the board of directors for this game is comprised of real life Pandas. There is no innovation or change or creativity in this games features. The art and music team are INCREDIBLE but there is a severe lack of thought on the gameplay side of things. I can play about 5 games of this piece of trash before it’s time to get off. This is an amazing first month or so game but after that there’s just no reason to play. Hope the DLC saves the day like the last game with Octo Expansion

Fanbase is cooked beyond repair because the people who claim to like this game don’t have more than 10 hours on it and can’t do a bnb with their “favorite character” that aside this set a new standard for modern fighting game’s appearance and features wise. The balance team is full of lobotomites however, which has led to this game from a fgc standpoint, being stagnant most of the time, with an unchanging meta that has been the same for YEARS without change and we all know Arc Sys never delivers hard game changing balance patches. So that’s probably not gonna change any time soon. Good game tho I love guilty gear

This game truly moved me and I’m convinced it was the last time game freak decided to gaf about this series but because the fanbase is bipolar we will never get them to take risks ever again sad day

This game will never not be BS there is so much war criminal tech that should never belong in a fg but it made for some of the coolest fg moments ever so we let it slide

Celica route map design some of the most brain numbing anti fun shit that’s ever been put in a video game


This game is better than strive because it has Venom in it but at the same time it is worse because Slayer is in it. I’m truly conflicted but I gotta give Xrd the edge because at least the characters have real movesets in this one

Greatest story finale ever, its just peak

Fun gameplay loop it’s a shame this series died