Dropped this some 40-ish hours in because fuck finishing things, right?
The first bravely default, while a traditional and rather generic turn-based JRPG, is excused by being the first entry in the series and still having things like a fantastic soundtrack and loveable characters.
Bravely second is a far more experimental game, with a wildly different approach to the narrative.
Bravely default 2 is literally just the first game again but without the cool meta stuff, good writing, or SOUL. What a fucking disappointment. Should've been the Ringabel game.

miserable but pretty cool for an nes game

I have spent several hundred dollars on this game and have played it every day for almost 4 years now. I hate it

Truly video game junk food. I enjoyed it and consumed it in a larger proportion than was probably healthy for me. But now, I feel guilt.

Don't you love how this game has, like, one good level? Isn't that awesome?
In all honesty I've replayed this game more times than I'd like to admit so clearly there's something here that keeps me coming back.

A really nice rebound from Dual Destinies! Has one of the best cases (6-2) in the entire series and a really nice ending, good character stuff all around. More of this please.

The girls in this game are so hot it's unreal

I remember I made my crush into a Mii and then put her in this game and then my friend told her about it. I have never had a more harrowing moment of self-reflection. I realized what I was doing was absolutely pathetic and never played this game again. Fun while it lasted though, make a sequel Nintendo

This is just a mid video game, man. The story and characters never really ever take the chance to do new, interesting things. It's so safe. Never really establishes its own identity either. THERE ARE GOOD THINGS THOUGH. I just wish there were more of said good things. At this point I just have to accept that Uchikoshi will never make a game like 999 again. Is he a hack? Maybe!

Really fucking disappointing game. It opens up strong and leads you to believe it'll be a better experience than the original-- it looks better, feels better, seems to have stronger design in general, but then it just kinda gets bad? Shout out to Margaret Moonlight though

This game did two things for me.
1. It had a banging soundtrack
2. It gave me the Phantom, which has become an inside joke among my friends and I.
That's it

Dually the most overrated and overcriticized game I can think of. Very generic 3d platformer that is fun at times and really unremarkable at others. I have never once felt a desire to come back to this one.

Shocker, I know: Umineko, Chiru/Answer Arcs in particular, is my favorite piece of fiction.
I do not think I can say anything about it that someone below me hasn't said already. It's so important to me and I love absolutely everything about it. That's all, folks!

Could have been really amazing, but it just isn't. There is so much good stuff here-- there are some genuinely dope characters and moments of good writing here and there, the atmosphere is far better than VLR, and the gameplay is generally super solid-- but it falls flat on its face in the overarching story department.
"I have the ability to mind hack."
Fuck Delta