Completion of this game would take a 100 hours. The fucking leap from 2 to 3 is the biggest and probably best for any sequel for any game. The cars feel a lot of fun and still accessible. Tracks are at 18 which is less than 2 but thankfully events put them in reverse more often. This has probably the catchiest music in the series for me and gods above is it a fun time. Sure there's a lot less Cars but it really just wows me how good it looks today. The nostalgia one for me. Didn't finish every race but I did get to ending a whole doing some long championships. Lack of tracks make it not the best one but still one of my favourites. This game is so damn mood

Need to play the arcade version. This is fun although really damn bare bones but the charm is what makes me kick with it. Not bad for a PlayStation launch title. Will probably be replaying this from time to time and I'ma run to an arcade cabinet if I see one. Also disc swapping for music is really funny.

What a solid little platformer. I like the funny stealth sounds. Characters are cool but the level design is the coolest

Man. This somehow had better performance but worse screen tearing? Improve the loads times and menus but is missing a bit of that style? The artyon senna tribute is awesome and having the percentage of profit go to that institute is cool and this game has a moon short mode?!?! Which is really cool. Liscense is done easier here but structured really smartly. This game forces you to buy a Honda jazz at the beginning which kinda sucks but mm. It's odd I feel like this isn't a big of step as I would've hoped and almost could be sold as a rerelease 5. There is more cars but you'll see even more ps2 models. And there is a boatload of content and more so than the 5th entry but the overall game definitely feels the most rushed? Also the course maker is now being relegated to a phone app which is cool but requires the servers to be online which they are no longer. I felt bittersweet finishing this marathon and I had a good time. But most of me is very happy they got to spend as long as they did for 7. Good racing game but it's definitely aged the worst with 5

Wowie zowie. A great time with constant suprises a visual and mechanical delight that it feels like it's going to shape the future of Mario for the best. Almost holding itself back. Semi linear is great and the badges make a fun addition and replay value. The flowers are great and so is the music. My only problem that's holding it back from a 5 is the fact there's unskipable cutscenes? That kinda like occur although short but a lot. Same with text heavy sequences that feel like it just gets in the way a bit too much. Some seeds feel so freely given while others are much more rewarding to earn. Its great that there's levels to choose to skip or complete depending on how hard you want your game but some mandatory ones feel so damn cheap. Otherwise a great game that is a lot of fun alone or with friends but is definitely not designed for co-op at all

This really is such a love letter to all its fans. It's hardcore fans. Although it introduces so many contrivences and holes to the series. It has so many massive payoffs and heart that I love it so much. Throughout its shitty fps and the super long indulgent lore dumps. It's got one of my favourite boss fights in a video game and one of my favourite fights ever. The cutscenes are so much fun for me and I love how Kojima everything is. I wish it wasn't trapped on the ps3 but it really is the most ps3 game ever. It's probably the only way I imagine this series ending and the more I play through the series the less I want to play 5 and the more I laugh at and love this one. Man this is such a rollercoaster ride it veers close to being a Trainwreck on so many occasions but I can't be mad cause I'm arms in the air with a huge smile I can't get rid of. Also order a pizza when the ending starts. Trust me

Such a long wait. For such an cluster fuck of chaos and actions. While old problems persist from previous entries and some new ones like camera inconsistentes and forced walky sections (even tho short and don't require walking for completion) only two weapons at a time hurts so much cause the level of creativity from all the new weapons is truly mind blowing. The games ambition can be comprised by the hardware it's on but doesn't take away from the fact that every half an hour there was a new exciting set piece that was having me grin like a dumbass. The gimmicks are galore and fun. And the combat will keep me coming back for more and more. Music is also slayyyyy

What's I think was it was rather remarkable how much I was smiling and having fun. For the first installment. Very well made. Variety in its level design and over all pretty polished? Consistently fun and worth the 3 hours to beat

This score may seem high but length doesn bother me if the game is good. And this game is probably the goodest. No filler really. No real complaints. Most ingenious idea for a platformer I've ever seen and would love to see it revisited again

There's one level. That I don't like. But it all was fucking fun. What an absolute bump over one. This was good and replay tier

The story alone is why it's up here. I used to resent the title and then when I got to playing it, it was channelling my feelings about the fact I wasn't playing snake as one of its core messages. Talking about the indictment of legacy, the pre conceived expectations of sequels and so much more it aged so well and is super scary to think about how much came scarily relevant now.

2 hours of good shelling time. Go play it 6 player co-op onlines fucking good. Extra shit to do and it's just gorgeous. Have fun

Very much peak racing. With its problems I agree with it probably has the least for me personally for how many things it gets right. 700+ cars for a ps2 and over 50 tracks gives it a large replay value. The selection of cars are varied and a fair few come cheap through the returning used car sales. Probably got the best legendary cars with like 1 HP mobiles and stuff. The music is delightful and the presentation is mind blowing for a ps2. While the game is a bit slower to load the gt3. It's a lot faster than its sequels and it's impressive for the system and now. A great starting point for anyone wanting to race although the physics go for a more much Sim feel. Like a massive leap forward where I almost recommend a wheel is necessary. But man it's just a good time sink. Probably peak of the series even tho you still can't paint ya car lmao. This game is great and I'm having a good ass Time with this series. Also they added town of people and crows and they even have pit animations:)

This was a huge jump. Lol. The slide added a lot more depth to the movement of crash. The level design expanded and even enemies got harder of it too. The game just looks so much better. It's far farrrrr more responsive than 1 and it has a lot more charm too. It's slightly non linear? And the extras are very tempting to hunt. The only thing that Drags it down for me is the jetpack levels which there are 3. They're not great and lame the first final boss finishes with it. Nonetheless this is probably the best outta the trilogy and I'm tempted to 100% one day. Love this game

Wii Sports 2. What else can I say