18 reviews liked by CopyWritedDad

when someone talks about "messy queer art" they're actually talking about this

>tries to play killer 7
>its poop killer 7

I watched my coworker suck dick and played it for 5 second and quit amen

i just really liked riding a bicycle in the storm drain. most people online would immediately drive off to get a plane, but me? i would crash into the skatepark and steal a bike and hopefully not get lit up by other players so i could go ride around in the canal while listening to Odd Future on my phone, since there's no radio on the bicycle sadly. that being said, the game introduced me to a lot of great music, thanks Flylo FM and Radio Mirror Park

this game leaves you with one question at it's climactic ending: what if crash bandicoot was chocolate? what would you do...?

That melting plastic still makes me smile. I think everyone who likes this game can acknowledge that it really isn't very good, but there's just something so endearing about little plastic men getting mutilated. Best ever use of a flamethrower in a game.



I think consuming the works of pedophiles is worse than eating your own shit.

the most rented from a redbox ass game of all time

This experience would've been a lot better if nothing about it's world was explained.

Every time I talk about Death Stranding with someone I always said that I enjoyed it when I knew nothing about it.

I'm convinced Kojima understands that the people who indulge in his work are morons.

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