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23 hrs ago

Corame finished Half-Life: Blue Shift
I liked this a lot more than I thought I would given the other reviews, but it turns out I like this more than Opposing Force

2 days ago

Corame reviewed Half-Life: Blue Shift
I liked this a lot more than I thought I would given the other reviews, but it turns out I like this more than Opposing Force

2 days ago

Corame reviewed Half-Life: Opposing Force
I spent a majority of the game below 10hp

2 days ago

Corame finished Half-Life: Opposing Force
I spent a majority of the game below 10hp

2 days ago

Corame finished Outer Wilds
They weren't lying, there is truly no other experience like this. My emotions are haywire... but that's okay.

4 days ago

Corame commented on Alexcicle's list Games That Are Beautiful

5 days ago

Corame is now playing Baldur's Gate 3

5 days ago

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