18 Reviews liked by Corame

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Quickly became my favorite game ever. The last bits of the game where you piece together what you need to do to end it is incredible and the ending really had an impact on me. The soundtrack is also phenomenal and it adds so much to the atmosphere to the point I was scared of traversing certain areas. This is a game you can only play once, so take your time and be curious. It is also highly recommended you go into this game completely blind.

A game that calls for introspection, and begs you to explore what you are curious about. You can never play it for the first time again, it’s a beautiful work of art everyone should take part in.

An absolutely beautiful puzzle/exploration game that I fully believe everyone should experience. The only downside is that you can never play it for the first time again, but it is more than worth it.

Fran Bow is bleak. It's a depressing story that captures child innocence and the corruption caused by trauma. Its art direction is very profound and its riddles are well thought out. The writing is really strong as well, leaving much of the story to be told by the environments you explore.

I do think the game peaks at chapter 2. It kind of loses itself in the 3rd chapter and it might not fully earn its ending. I think a lot of that will be up to personal views on how much you appreciate this narrative. Despite that it's a strong outing and I would say if you can stomach the subject matter you should check it out.

Perfect game with everything ever

i played through this a little too many times

Played this game - or better this immersive, interactive storytelling- when it was released and to this day find myself brought back into the vibe of this summer, watching out for fires.

A masterpiece.

This game put me into a brief park ranger fantasy era before I remembered I’d die if I had to shit in the woods

What Remains of Edith Finch has one of my favourite moments in any game. It goes sooo hard

Dictionary definition of underrated.

Very few stories leave me speechless. Even my eyes can't visually relay what I'm feeling to my brain sometimes. Despite its short length, every part of every chapter feels full, and rich with detail. It's such a tight knit atmosphere and story that it left me perfectly content at the end, not needing more or feeling that it lacked in anything.

What a game. The way they mix all of these different styles together makes it feel very unique. I was especially surprised at Barbara’s level with the comic book style (and the Halloween theme, how did they get that?)

That non-linear and vast narrative that ties you to it and knows what you're thinking—it's beautiful.
Even with so much information to discover at the mercy of space-time, everything intrigues you and has its value. The unpredictable beauty is magnificent, rich in its story and message.