I really liked the artwork, the puzzles, the inception aspect and simple controls but I would be lying if I said I understood the storyline.

My only complaint about the game is about Milles' mom, she doesn't sound Puerto Rican, her accent is more similar to spanish rather than a typical Puerto Rican accent. The only times I could tell she was Puerto Rican and not Spanish was when I heard her use slang like bochinche.

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I really enjoyed the game, I thought it was going to suffer the same problems as the movie with there being too many enemies and the story would cluttered but that wasn't the case. I really liked the inclusions of the lizard and sandman and how they both didn't take time away from the main enemies of Kraven and Venom. It made sense to include them with Kraven. I do wish that the controls were simpler like in past games, it sometimes felt a little overwhelming with each of the web-types, power movies, and special attacks not only being present in the game but also their permanent sport on the screen. I found myself forgetting to use them a lot of the time. I liked how the game got you to care about Harry with making many of Peter's missions relate back to him. Most impressivly though this game got me to not only like MJ but also be excited to play as her. Her missions were really enjoyable and felt essential to the story where they felt like a waste of time in the previous game. Finally I liked Hailey in this game, Miles crush, her one level was very good and I liked the sound design throughout it with the player only hearing some ambient noises like banging or hissing.

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I really loved this game, each of the levels and the mechanics introduced in each one was very interesting. The art style was also very cute and I enjoyed playing it with my brother, even though we had to take a several month break due to school. I think we bonded over the game but I also felt that the game could have been much shorter, many of the necessary levels that actually lead to the end, the therapy ones, are not until the last two or so hours of the game.

I really loved the subtle story telling and the unique items I got over time. After finishing the relaxing game I had fun trying to get each of the achievements.

I don't like how they gave options for dialogue, it would be confusing to read what the choices are. I like the idea, for them to display thoughts swirling around, but I felt it made it harder as a player.

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The games story is really good but the structure itself needs a lot of work. For instance we go from playing as Ellie, having just killed people like Owen and others, to then playing as Abby back when they were alive. So its hard to get attached to any of Abby's friends. The vilians, like the seraphites/scars and wolves and the last one towards the end are all too much and don't intersect well between the two stories.

It was fun, very addictive, and hard.

This game is super fun to just chill and waste time.

It was so much fun, I liked how interactive the controls were they were so cool. Storyline is great, I felt very connected with characters.