i love it but if u told me it sucked it wouldn't argue that much i hear ya

i miss when this was awesome wtf is role queue

wanting to use the cool killing techniques and knowing this game thinks killing is really bad creates a cognitive dissonance i can't hang with

peak triple A gaming, everything u could want, the best assassins creed

played the hell out of this one, this game is my brother

i only played the main story once (by myself) but it still makes me want to spew....

great triple A smoke, the multiplayer secretly GOATed

games should make u think of colours that aren't brown, obviously sweet tho

dog in the hoodie is one of the funniest things i ever seen in a game

maybe one of my most-played games of all time, i got nothin but good things to say, worst smash game? who cares

vaas was a villain so good they spent the rest of the franchise chasing that high