bro u can still play this today with a little bit of set-up, people just out there chilling on this at all hours, nice!

so beast and made me want to play a tonne of other fantastic games, I'm probably not finishing this but i could

has so much swag but i wish i was more into it

always down for a bit of hoi (bro i am lying this game can be a mammoth task sometimes lmao) respect

this twist shocked the internet but let's be real, it's for babies

u could easily make this game ur personality if u wanted

this is cool but i want more from it, not gonna press the 1 guy who's making it to do anything about that tho lmao good job

this is what it was all about, best gta clone ever, some all-timer cool guy moments

peak + goated + if u had to press me i guess there are issue + f off + the goat

peak triple A gaming, everything u could want, the best assassins creed

dead island sucks but i love it, who do you voodoo indeed

i would like to play this again with a fully developed brain