was one of the better ones but what a terrible launch lmao

so beast, i want to finish it, but it's not my fate...

you'll like this game if u don't like it when games challenge u

lot of cool stuff going on! i installed strange mods but the core crushing style gameplay is great

love the squad, it's so cool getting attached to rando soldiers and watching them get ripped apart, miss my fallen brothers

real good but isn't THAT REAL, play 2 :)

i won this game in a contest and it also absolutely carried my life thru remote uni lectures during COVID

i got a big LA Noire poster in my living room and u would think that would be embarrassing but it's actually so GOATed sorry

actually kino, what a good storytelling device, salute to deputy bob

me and my brudda glitching a car into the water and driving it around like a boat will last forever in my mind, love this rubbish game

dead island sucks but i love it, who do you voodoo indeed

i suffered an indescribable eldritch horror glitched out challenge level in this that forever altered my vision of the game - i thought it was decent on ps3!

had grade 6 me in a headlock but golly is this game mostly padding

this is what it was all about, best gta clone ever, some all-timer cool guy moments