hahahahaha peak storytelling when ur a little boy, actually sucks so bad, eternal soft spot in my heart, david cage belongs in hell tho

this with the boys? greatness on a different level mode, other players figured out how to cheese too quickly tho

dude actually so beast, should've been a bigger deal tbh, i think there's a sequel coming, i'd play that...


cool idea but idk i don't care sorry, i wish i did

i have love for skyrim and that's my cross to bear, i will apologise every time before saying i like it lmao

cool stuff, what a good time, sucker for this type of rubbish lmao

couldn't really get into this but will concede it owns

i bought a pagan min figure back in the day and tbh i couldn't tell u 1 of his lines

once i get around to playing the rest i bet it'd be an all-timer, exactly my type of scene

decent time playing but all i want to talk about is how many stupid decisions they made making this

no haters allowed, GOATED, had an all-timer multiplayer

love the ridiculous deadsec HAX0Rz aesthetics

i clean up on ranked no matter the circumstances