Things I Dislike About Games I Don't

Sister list to Things I Like About Games I Don't

This is a list of me highlighting the things I dislike about some of my favourite games. I was recommended to make this list by my close friend Jamie.

Planescape: Torment, I love you, but my god your combat system is just not it, dude. It's not as bad as people make it out to be, but it ain't the most pleasant combat system to use either!
I'm sorry, but having to fight 25 MG Rays on Very Hard difficulty is just absurd and tedious in the worst way possible.
Can't think of any criticism I can levy towards this game that doesn't just come off as pedantic ranting, so I'm instead going to express that I fucking hate the North American cover of this game.
I love me some roughness and jank, but maybe a little bit more work could have gone into sanding off the edges just ever so slightly.
Yeah, I got nothing to be honest.
I love this game's skill check dice-roll system to bits, but man, it can sometimes be its own undoing in certain scenarios the game puts you into.
Playing on Hard Mode in the early-game straight up fucking sucks because every enemy just feels like a bullet sponge and it just slows combat down to a grinding halt because you almost have to play the game like a cover shooter for the first few hours. Thank god for on the fly difficulty adjusting in the menu.
I think the message of this game is beautiful and deeply meaningful, but it being spelled out so explicitly in Ending E kind of brings this game down for me. In a way I feel like most of the talking and thinking has been done for me by the game itself leaving me with little wiggle room to say anything new or interesting. A little bit of subtlety and abstraction wouldn't have hurt.
I feel like this game would've benefit from being a bitttt more challenging.
I really adore Act 3 of this game and don't fully agree with the general consensus on it, but I do have to be truthful and concede that some of those Act 3 quests needed a bit more time in the oven.

1 Comment

2 months ago

yea silent hill 3's american boxart looks a bit cheap and uninspired, the japanese art is a more deliberately constructed image of heather that shows her fear in her situation more effectively, and the pal art feels more "silent hillish" with its blurriness, kinda reminiscent of the silent hill 2 boxart with angela too

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