great now im going to have to play all the other games now :(

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This game is really trying its best to cement itself in my top 3 games of all time, and it very well might be. It only loses half a star because I think it REALLY would have benefitted from some end game slides telling me about my choices.

This is the kind of game that makes me want to learn to speedrun, before I realize how much work that would be

This is just more of the first game but with more characters whose stories I like and more interaction between said characters

Id give this a perfect score if I was smarter and could solve all the puzzles

This is just the Miami Shark flash game, but with a budget. I think the length of the main story perfectly coincides with how long it takes for the gameplay loop to get stale. I just wish that there were more evolution sets and that they weren't mostly locked behind tedious collectible hunting.

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theres fucking fastfalling????