Really good world design, atmosphere, and worldbuilding but Fromsoft combat is shallow. Sorry folks it just pales in comparison to other action games

Otherwise great game that's unfortunately held back by poor optimization, a lot of recycling, some pretty bad boss design, and major balancing issues in the lategame.

I really, really wanted to like this game, and there are things to like. Its combat system is very robust and at a high, technical level offers a lot of depth. But the stuff you can do if you lab the game daily and play with a claw grip just doesn't absolve this game of its massive flaws in level design and in enemy design (which ends up detracting from what would otherwise be an extremely satisfying combat system)
There was so much potential, and also so much realized potential in the possibilities of its combat system, that I feel bad giving this game a 6/10 but I find it hard to rate it higher while still being honest about the game as a whole.

There's issues with the way some enemies are designed and a couple missions towards the end are a low point that you can't really ignore but all in all, DMC3 is one of the best action games ever made with an incredible depth in its combat system that very few other action games manage to compete with even almost 2 decades since its original release

A product of its time, for sure, but a fulfilling experience nonetheless and one that doesn't seem to be properly appreciated among zoomers. As far back as 1986 Metroid is a very inventive and genre-defining game and while some aspects of it could certainly use work the core gameplay loop is timeless and would later be refined to the point of spawning an entire genre. I'll add that a lot of younger players seem to have missed the point; the lack of a map and hostile, unpredictable world are an integral part of the experience. Samus is entering uncharted, alien, enemy territory. To enjoy this game you need to understand that part of the concept is familiarizing yourself with and mapping out Zebes with deliberacy, and being a Famicom-era game it won't hold your hand.

Samus' controls are improved from the first game and a number of series mainstays would make their first appearances here (this game is not given the credit it deserves by Metroid fans)
Biggest problem is the lack of visual variety which can make backtracking confusing. I played it with only the official GBC palette for authenticity, but there's a colorization romhack out there that looks good and gives it different color palettes for different areas. Highly recommended, in hindsight I wish I used it.

Brilliant, timeless, genre-defining game

Not without its flaws and felt like a step back in some ways for a Metroid game but an interesting direction to take the series in some ways both for other reasons and for some of the same reasons. As a Metroid game it's understandably divisive. On its own merits it's really good, and I enjoyed the atmosphere and pseudo-horror elements a lot

One of if not the only game I would not hesitate to say is perfect

Very disappointing and unpolished remake of a game that was specifically notable for its level of polish despite being a licensed game

DMC1 isn't without its flaws but you have to consider it was a groundbreaking game, one of if not the first of its kind. And you know, it's not just good on the condition that you specify the context of when it came out. It's a satisfying action game. 21 years on and there's still more depth in this than most recent games in its genre. Not to mention, the atmosphere remains the best in the series.

Perhaps the best execution of the LMBS. If the goal of Tales is a JRPG with deep fighting game combat Destiny DC may be the closest it got to realizing that