This is the weakest out of all the reboots and that's mostly due to the fact that a lot of character introduced in this game are just worse versions of older characters, still has good battle mechanics.

By far the best game in the franchise in terms of gameplay, the story is kinda weird but it's actually really funny at points.

I got the big pee pee diamond trophy with every fetish combo and will still default to Audrey as my main girl.

Honestly this game is carried by the fact that the Jessie subplot from the first game continued, like for real.

It's Persona but better because I don't have whiny characters telling me that we need to hang out. Also Cleopatra makes consider turning Bi.

Better than the original for the most part, except the censorship stuff.

This game is like baby's first SMT, most people that play this game are probably fire emblem fans tho, so they'll think it's shit because you cannot date your friend's daughter.

Remake this game, and I'll consider selling my family for it.

This roster sucks, the story sucks, the DLC sucks, but the base gameplay is still kind of fun.

This game is better is funny af, sucks that the battle system only lets you have 3 people on the battle field.

Half the roster is DLC, and they should have replaced RWBY with Guilty Gear.

This game has like 4 games in one, so it's better than most games.

Bruh, Peach finna slays here harder than in smash because she's even stronger even without float canceling and turnip z dropping. Also this game has a vibrator joke in a kids game.

This game is almost as unbalanced as DBD, but it is dead so that's a good thing.

The story is like Kingdom Hearts, it makes no sense but at least the people are hot.