Really great, just kind of hoped there would be more party members

Worst prosecutor, apollo's backstory is kind of random, but the game is still badass. Apollo get's his moment

I do not like that they tried to add literally every souls mechanic in this game.

I respect the dev who made it, but it's just too easy and not that scary

Game in hindsight sucked for COD as a whole, but it was fucking fun as a kid to play this

Tried too hard to be like a souls game. The whole hardening system sucks and enemies just don't stagger

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Ain't no one gonna convince me this game isn't amazing. Super cool and badass story with likeable characters. It shows the rise and downfall of Vito which is unheard of in a lot of games where the main character actually doesn't really have a good ending overall but it's still a good ending

Was a fun experience but definitely the weakest Ace Attorney game. The twist wasn't too great and the villain kind of sucked. Athena is a great addition and Apollo and Phoenix still rock, but it just doesn't hit as hard as the rest

This game pissed me off a lot in a lot of sections but it was still fun

Love it when games not just make the game look better but fundamentally change how the game is played to be better overall. Mafia 1 originally was clunky and had some missions that were super hard. They kept the story near the same except for some key parts that they made way more badass for Tommy and just overall much better for the character.