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kohakuu is now playing Sonic Advance 3

3 days ago

kohakuu finished Sonic Advance 2
1 Step Forward,2 Step Back.

Honestly dissapointed that while improved on a lot of aspects from Advance 1,the whole game felt rough or bland at times not to mention the latter half being somewhat frustrating.

I'll say this Advance 2 definitely delivers that feeling of Speed and Movement Advance 1 lacks of,and thankfully it resulted in very straightforward yet still engaging and once again couldn't really go wrong with the visual and music but this time it was heavily improved from Advance 1 being both the music is much catchier and the visual looks more stylized and smoother.

Sadly those where the only positive things i'd say on the overall game,it's honestly an achievement how they managed to improve the core gameplay but attached it to some of the most bland zones in 2D Sonic,literally the first two to an extent three as well are literally style over substance with nothing but grindrails and dash,not saying it's bad or anything but man playing it feels so hollow,then we got remaining zones 4-7 which to it's benefit a little bit more creative than the first three and i do enjoyed some of ice paradise and sky canyon,however this is also where the biggest flaw being more apparent which is the bottomless pit,it really wear my experience down even if i probably have better time on sky canyon and such it still annoys the hell out of me like the whole game gimmick is to go fast especially with the new boost system right?then why there's so many bottomless pit in latter zones,oh and don't even get me started on the bosses it says a lot when Sonic Advance 2 rivals Sonic CD for the 2D sonic with lamest set of bosses all of them ranges from horribly easy to awkwardly frustrating.

I'm honestly dissapointed that Sonic Advance 2 still couldn't atleast used the groundwork Sonic Advance 1 served and make it more creative or up to usual Sonic standard,once again I do think it's not a bad game overall,but sadly what we got instead was very bland and forgettable sequel that's carried by it's style more than it's substance.

3 days ago

kohakuu is now playing Sonic Advance 2

5 days ago

kohakuu finished Sonic Advance
I really wanna say this is a solid title but it has a lot of shit that i just hated.

For one why is sonic moves so slow?like his movement supposed to be faster than that,sure it still has momentum but it just feels off this is pretty bad esp in ice mountain,which brings me to the zones which for the most part ranges from good to atrocious,same could be said to the bosses as well even though i won't even call them good almost all of them are either unfair or plain easy and boring.

That being said i do think this game manages to found a middle ground between implementing the feel of classic sonic while combined with modern sonic elements,and hey couldn't really go wrong with pleasing aesthetic the visual had and the soundtrack served it's job.

Sonic Advance is not a bad game for sure,however i can see it heavily suffers from the first game syndrome that while served groundwork for future games,as its own entry it lacks a lot of good qualities or identity to stand out by itself.

5 days ago

kohakuu is now playing Sonic Advance

7 days ago

kohakuu finished Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II
Going from dogshit prequel to such a bland sequel is such a nothing praise it's honestly not even funny.

Like yes it's better the visual doesn't look like they were made out of clay anymore and the movement felt "normal" this time but do i have to lower my standard for games especially Sonic games just to say "it's really good man i can't believe it!" it being better than Episode I while still have a lot of same faults or even new one(bosses take too long and zones left me displeased),could you really call that a praise?I don't know.

Sonic 4 Episode II definitely takes lesson from what was wrong with Episode I but it didn't really fix itself or gave itself even a snippets of it's identity ended up just overall product being whole lot of nothing and bland.

7 days ago

9 days ago

kohakuu finished Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I
aight i don't think i need to brag myself for long with this game in particular because i don't know what needs to be said more than just full of hatred and curse words towards this game,it's genuinely that awful.

the fact that SEGA has the audacity to call this Sonic The Hedgehog 4 as sort of follow up and reimagine of old classic sonic games baffles me because in no way this deserves that title with how shitty it plays,how awful it looks,how utterly lazy it is with it's zones,and lastly it's just so fucking boring like you can tell this wasn't made out of passion more so it was made out of fucking greed.

10 days ago

11 days ago

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