Block dropping puzzle game with great music. It's Lumines Remastered minus the remaster. Is it worse? Objectively. It's still worth a shot though, as if you check my review of Remastered, I put puzzle mode in a bad light. It's much better in this game.

After Konami almost killed the series out of incompetence for at least the third time, they made this one. Quite the glow up, if I do say so myself. And it's DDR, which is always fun.

Compared to modern iterations it's dogwater but it has the charm (and soundtrack in some cases) the the new ones miss, and I just think it's somehow more fun despite being the same game. I was born after it released.

Sixteen squares and none of them want to consistently stay in a place where I can access them. But once a cabinet is ready to show its face around here again, I'll be ready.

[This review is for the Arcade version.] The original Rhythm Tengoku is rough around the edges but oozes charm and a requirement for skill. When they put it in the arcade, they doubled all of that. It's a great time, but be prepared to get your shit rocked.

Definitely not my thing, but even beyond not being my thing it just felt more empty than its predecessor, and that's never a good thing. Didn't care for it.

The push to Exceed Gear (combined with a waning interest) made me drop SDVX and every time I try to pick it up again I try to do anything on knobs and it just doesn't, even when it would work fine in Vivd Wave. At least y'all are having fun.

I mean they took an amazing Mario game and then built another amazing Mario game on top of it. I've close to 100%ed SM3DW three times and it was fun 100% of the time. And while I didn't get nearly as much out of Bower's Fury, it did more than it needed to do and I mean that fully positively.

Now THIS is the Sound Voltex I remember fondly. I'd dare to call it the series' peak if I were any better at it.

Honestly, forget the gimmick. Defusing a bomb on your own is just as stressful.