An absolute masterpiece of a game, phenomenally unique levels in terms of setting and design, a more mature narrative, infinitely replayable gameplay, and a banging soundtrack

Incredible evolution of the series that perfectly balances the heavier emphasis on action while remaining genuinely terrifying due to how many enemies are thrown at the player, great refinement of gameplay mechanics compared to previous ones with a movable camera while still utilizing tank controls, solid level design that is more linear than the other entries yet does not get tiresome because of how intense they are, phenomenal story and characters along with beautifully animated cutscenes

Very solid remaster in terms of recapturing the feel of the original Modern Warfare 2 while bringing it to life with the polish of a new call of duty. Insanely disappointing that only the campaign was remastered because the game feels amazing and would benefit greatly from having its original multiplayer mode

For being the first game of the series it does a great job introducing all of the elements that make these games so great with its puzzle and backtracking to reveal new locations. The cutscenes did an alright job of conveying who the characters were but didn't provide much as to what the story was, this information was all provided through lore notes scattered throughout the map which when all put together paints a pretty clear image. The major downside of this game was the fixed camera perspective, since I was playing this game on keyboard, there were many times when I would start walking the completely wrong direction because I had no control. While this was a minor issue it was something that consistently kept bothering me, despite that this game was an incredible experience that set a lot of potential for future installments

The campaign was frustratingly bland with characters that were incredibly one dimensional, some set pieces were cool and it was interesting seeing all the varying environments but in terms of storytelling I was very underwhelmed. The multiplayer at launch has been phenomenal due to being on the Modern Warfare engine yet avoiding a lot of that games philosophy on design. Zombies is extremely barebones and has seemingly reverted a lot of what made Cold War zombies so amazing

A love letter to the TV series with its level design and writing, really solid platforming and simple puzzles make up the majority of gameplay which makes for an extremely relaxed game to play. The mechanical differences between the three characters constantly allowed for interesting new levels which really brought the Spongebob world to life. An absolute joy to play through from start to finish

Really cool prequel to Combat Evolved with a surpassingly fleshed out crew of characters, each level felt unique and differentiated itself through the beautiful landscapes, the game would cycle through different gameplay mechanics where sometimes it would have the player shooting at the covenant or piloting different vehicles which helped give each level its own identity, its all topped off with a super depressing ending and overall adds a lot of cool lore to the Halo universe

Lackluster remakes that attempted to recreate the charm the originals had while falling short in several aspects, the art style grew on me over time but still is disappointing compared to what the Let's Go remakes looked like, the soundtrack was a beautiful recreation of the originals games, the soundtrack made getting to each city extremely exciting just to hear the new music

Amazing sequel to the first game that really fleshes Mile's character out, further expands on all the mechanics that made the first game so great, very heartfelt story that should lead nicely into Spider-Man 2, tons of side content to play through as well as a good amount of interesting unlockables to work for

A much heavier emphasis on action over horror compared to Resident Evil 4, the gunplay and technical side of the game feels good but many of the levels felt bland and as if they were retreading territory covered by earlier games. The story was the most interesting aspect of the game and wrapped up numerous character arcs. Honestly this game was much more of a trudge than other entries and lacked a lot of the charm the others had