My 123 Favorite Video Games, Ranked

This is at an odd number because it's just every game I've ever played that I would consider 'a favorite' of mine with no upper limit ... and I guess that there are this many of them! I put a lot of thought into the rankings but this is going to be a living document - positions will shift as I replay them and (hopefully) many games will be added. All future updates will be noted in the comments as they happen.

I put a little bit about how I was introduced to each of these and my history with them in the notes. Please feel free to ignore all that if you don't feel like reading my LiveJournal - it's rambly and mostly unedited. Like everything else on this site, it's kind of more for me than anyone else.

The below is a list of games I consider "Unranked" - provisionally on the list but which need to be replayed to get a good idea of where I should put them. Hopefully I will get through these soon and resolve their placements!

- Chrono Cross (Square/PS1/1999)
- Crimson Shroud (Level-5/3DS/2012)
- Dark Souls III (FromSoftware/Multiplat/2016)
- Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective (Capcom/NDS/2010)
- Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia (New World Computing/PC/1999)
- Pathologic (Ice-pick Lodge/PC/2005)
- Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box (Level-5/NDS/2007)
- Return of the Obra Dinn (Lucas Pope/PC/2018)
- Shadow of Destiny (Konami/PS2/2001)
- Shadow Warrior (3D Realms/PC/1997)
- Super Mario Odyssey (Nintendo/NSW/2017)
- The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Nintendo/GB/1993)
- Xenogears (Square/PS1/1998)
- Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward (Chunsoft/3DS/2012)

Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
Extremely hyped for this when it came out in 1999. My good friend who loved Star Wars and video games had to literally ask me stop talking about it to him at school.


Played the shareware version of this at some point, but I'm not entirely sure when or where. Certainly stuck with me though.


Jumping Flash!
Jumping Flash!
My one PlayStation friend had this shit and the sequel in 1998 and I swear to God I was thinking about it until I finally bought my own copy in like 2010.


Another good Genesis friend pick - immediately went and picked it up for myself after playing it with them.


The Secret of Monkey Island
The Secret of Monkey Island
Actually no clue when I played this first. I remember only really digging in and going through it (and the sequel) in 2010, but I really think I had played it before that. But where?


Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
My first non-PC gaming machine was a Game Boy, and for a couple years there, this was my killer app. It was the first Mario game I owned! Hard to say when exactly I got it, but early '90s, when it was new.


Guitar Hero II
Guitar Hero II
After absolutely mastering the original (much to the chagrin of the haters and the trolls amongst my friends who I easily surpassed), this was like a religious experience. I think I managed to get it early - this was in my street-date-break scamming days. I had a whole system going. I got GUITAR HERO III a whole week early, I was top ten in the worldwide leaderboards! But that game's not on this list, lol.


Elite Beat Agents
Elite Beat Agents
Another rec from my extremely smart and cool DEADLY PREMONITION, GOD HAND bestowing bro in the college days. Man, he turned me on to some real winners.


Played a little of this at a friend's house and it stuck with me until I cracked and bought the whole series (up to that point) in 2010.


Super Punch-Out!!
Super Punch-Out!!
Played it at the one SNES friend's house and always loved it.


Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader
My first and only GameCube title at launch. And what a launch title! Kept me going no problem until reinforcements arrived in the form of SMASH and LUIGI'S MANSION. The first in an amazing library, probably my best, pound-for-pound.


The Game Boy game, but it can stand in for any/all versions. Came with the machine, of course. The only video game I ever saw my mom play.


Super Monkey Ball
Super Monkey Ball
One of the major gaps in my carefully curated GameCube library. Only played at friends, but rectified that in 2010.


The Talos Principle
The Talos Principle
Knew this was right up my alley, slyly asked for it for Christmas from the GF and got it. Another one of those "I like watching you be smart games." Hey listen, baby, everybody wins.


Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat
Went on a huge PS3 used game buying spree at some point in like 2013 and got this for five bucks at a Pawn America. Made me fall in love with the old series all over again, having not played it since like grade school.


Space Quest III: The Pirates Of Pestulon
Space Quest III: The Pirates Of Pestulon
The last of the SCI engine Sierra games for me. This one I played alone - not with grandpa, not with the aunts - all me baby. (Didn't get very far.)


The Case of the Golden Idol
The Case of the Golden Idol


The Stanley Parable
The Stanley Parable
Loved this when it came out but the new edition actually kind of knocked it down a few pegs for me. One of those games that only gets less and less impressive the more you play it, unfortunately. But it's always fun to see other try it for the first time.


Trials Evolution
Trials Evolution
Big closet TRIALS guy, played em all. I was super pumped for this when it came out. Shit, now I want to play some TRIALS.


Mario's Super Picross
Mario's Super Picross
One of my biggest finds in my early emulation days in like 1999. Had no idea what I was doing because of the nihongo ... until it all clicked. Still playing every damn Picross game I can get my hands on to this day. And still humming the music from this.


Castlevania: Bloodlines
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Another friend's house Genesis classic. The wobbly leaning tower of Pisa stuck in my head for like 15 years until a revisit.


The only VR game I could really, really get into because all the big ones make me sick. :( Also, because I'm beyond-godlike at every rhythm game, I easily 100% and platted this.


Just Cause 2
Just Cause 2
Had to get it when all the hubbub was going down. Wasn't disappointed - lots of awesome hangouts with the gang trading off. Maybe the last game we ever did anything like that with.



11 months ago

@MPK92 I would say 'ah I see you are a man of culture as well', but I already knew that!

And yeah I definitely dont want to discourage you because I would love to see yours, but for the record this has taken me actual years to finally do haha

10 months ago

LIST UPDATE 6/4/2023:
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (#106) replayed and rank confirmed

10 months ago

LIST UPDATE 6/10/2023:
Katamari Damacy (#64) replayed and moved up to #61

10 months ago

LIST UPDATE 6/16/2023:
We Love Katamari (#52) replayed and rank confirmed

8 months ago

LIST UPDATE 8/11/2023:
Pokemon Gold (unranked) replayed and removed

5 months ago

LIST UPDATE 11/23/2023:
The Case of the Golden Idol (#117) added

4 months ago

LIST UPDATE 12/10/2023:
Super Mario Bros. (#88) and Super Mario World (#37) replayed and ranks confirmed

1 month ago

I saw Deadly Premonition on this list and decided to give it a spin, despite its technical shortcomings, I found the game to be quite engaging, primarily due to the charming characters and the captivating dialogue between York and the town's population.
Quite the experience and glad I did

1 month ago

@Kawasaki0504 Awesome! Glad you liked it!

1 month ago

LIST UPDATE 03/25/2023:
Heroes of Might & Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia added to unranked list

Last updated: