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5 days ago

Exellock finished Chaos;Head Noah
I'm sorry, but man I really did just NOT like this one, which sucks because I know a lot of people really dig it, but honestly I think it's kinda just a mess.

The protagonist Takumi does develop over the course of this yeah, but still from beginning to end I just found him completely insufferable, literally feeling the need to point out that "WHOH THIS IS JUST LIKE MYE EROUGAYZZ" it is just insufferable, and while the game does try to act like it's "above" being coomer bait, it honestly really really isn't, even during serious scenes it often feels the need to remind you what it really is, I mean there's literally DLC that puts all the girls in underwear.

Speaking of, MAN I just didn't like ANY of the characters here, some of them do have some interesting stuff going for them, but the game does absolutely NOTHING with them even during their dedicated routes. In general I just think it's kinda poorly writen all around, big revelations don't have any of the oomf they're supposed to, shit kinda just happens, especially towards the end of the main campaign which feels rushed as hell.

With that said, yeah there are a few interesting ideas thrown around, it sucks that I've yet to find a Denpa I really like, cuz I do dig the idea behind them, but I tend to dislike the execution.

But yeah in the end of the day, this was decently entertaining it points if only due to the will to see where the hell it was gonna go early on, but I'm sorry, I'm gonna be honest, I think this was a bad Visual Novel. I didn't care for Chaos;Head Noah, and I doubt I ever will...

5 days ago

Oziach followed bubbletea

5 days ago

6 days ago

6 days ago

Oziach followed EmehVukii

7 days ago

Exellock finished Metroid Prime Pinball

7 days ago

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